Home Truths

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Watching myself being taken in a mirror wasn't anything I had ever planned to experience in life, my low opinion of myself making that decision easy enough.

Though, thanks to Loki, it had become something to tick off of my bucket list.

His lips attacked my neck and he had me wrapped tightly in his arms, both of us keeping eye contact through the mirror as he thrust like a desperate animal rutting into its mate.

I'd never been good at kneeling for long periods, my knees would start to ache within a minute or so and the added weight on my stomach only made this worse but with Loki behind me, holding me in this position, the pleasure distracted me from the usual ache.

There was something about the couple being reflected at us that drove me to my climax faster.

I couldn't explain it, but somehow the woman in the mirror didn't feel like me.

She was what I could only explain as being a Goddess, full of confidence and holding herself with an assurance I'd never felt before in my life.

Loki stilled and buried his face into the crook of my neck, letting out a groan as he finished.

I watched as he pulled away, letting out ragged breaths against my neck while his hands roamed over the bump as it had many times since my arrival.

Leaning my back to his chest, I rest my head on his shoulder but keeping my eyes trained in the mirror opposite us.

"Loki," I mewled as he pulled out, shifting around to lay us down so that we were spooning, his arm draped across my waist, "did you enchant that mirror?"

He lets out a low chuckle, his fingers drawing patterns along my hip and stomach.

"Not at all, as much as I'm sure Avena would appreciate that."

My blood ran cold and I could only let out a small; "Hm."

Loki sighed and propped himself up, pulling me further onto my back so that he could hover above me.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned her."

"It's all right."

"No, it's not."

"Yes, Loki, it is," I frowned shifting a little to get more comfortable while facing him, "she is your wife after all."

He rolled his eyes and pulled away, moving to sit at the end of the bed with his arms resting on his thighs as he hung his head.

"Don't remind me."

Awkwardly, I managed to shift around onto my knees and crawl towards him.

Settling behind him, I wrap my arms around his shoulders and rest my head against his back.

"I shouldn't get annoyed by hearing you talk about her, it's stupid of me to think you wouldn't."

"No, it's understandable," he lifted one of his hands to clasp onto my own that lay against his chest, "after how I've been lavishing you since your arrival, it's wrong of me to mention her."

"That's just how it is, it's wrong of me to get irritated, we should be thankful she put us in this situation after all."

"Yes," he scoffed and I imagine rolled his eyes, "so that she could be a 'mother' to my heir and have a closer claim to a throne, this wasn't for me, it was for her and she thinks I'm too stupid to realize."

"But you went along with it."

"And why wouldn't I? I was being offered sex with a very attractive woman after being deprived for so long," he chuckled, gently easing himself out of my arms so that he could twist to look at me, "why wouldn't I go along?"

"Because now you've put yourself in a bind, she has tricked the kingdom."

"Please, she's tricked only the idiots who wouldn't know any better, she is the fool if she believes her weak magic can hide the facts from my mother."

I looked up at him, frowning a little.

"Frigga knows?"

"Of course she knows, nothing gets past her," he smiled, "even my brother can tell, she's not as sneaky as she thinks."

"But if they all know, why are they going along with it?"

Loki looked down at me and sighed, taking one of my hands in his once again.

"We think she's up to something and cutting ties now would be stupid, so we'll let her have her fun and I shall have mine."

He smirked darkly and pulled me closer, his hands cupping my sensitive chest as he kissed me.

We both broke away so that we could catch some air and Loki rested his forehead against mine, letting his eyes fall closed.

"I love you," he whispered.

My heart jolted and my stomach flipped in giddy excitement.

My lips spread into a cheek-aching smile and I let out a small laugh.

"I love you too."

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