An Afternoon with Ezabella

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The second month was easier in ways and harder in some.

Ezabella said that she wanted to be there for the next examination, if they were to come to us again, and had taken to getting fewer jobs that meant she'd be away for extended periods of time.

I explained to her that the chances of it being at home again were slim, but if it were the case that she could definitely be there to witness the horror of the mother to Loki's child.

Thankfully, it seemed like she was getting accustomed to my situation as the changes continued to plague me.

One of the most frustrating things was the constant need to urinate, it felt like I was passing my days in the bathroom more frequently than doing anything I wanted to do.

Adding that on top of the mood swings and cravings made my days a rotation of ups and downs that poor Ezabella couldn't keep up with, not that anyone would have expected her to if I couldn't keep track of my needs myself.

"Stop prodding at them," she scolded, reaching over to smack at my wrist.

I flinched and pulled my hand away from my chest, glaring at her.

"They're mine, I can poke and prod if I want."

"You'll just irritate them and then you'll whine some more."

"I know, but I can't help it," I sighed, pulling the collar of my shirt back and looking down, "I can already tell that they're getting a little bigger."

"As to be expected but poking at them won't help make them smaller again."

"Like I don't know that," I grinned at her, "but I'm enjoying actually having a chest to talk about."

"Your chest was fine before," Ezabella rolled her eyes. "When is your next check-up anyway?"

"It should be soon," I tilted my head back against the cushions of my seat, "probably just the same checks as last time."


"They have to be, I suppose."

As it had many times before, I soon found my hand rubbing circles on my stomach, which was already starting to expand and cause my clothes to become uncomfortable.

It had become a subconscious move, one that I sought comfort and reassurance in but for what I was never quite sure.

Ezabella turned towards me and her eyes instantly fluttered down to my hand, a gentle smile gracing her already beautiful face before she reached over and gave my growing bump a little shake.

"I can't believe how big you are, it's not even three months yet."

"I know, it's pretty insane."

"Big baby," she laughed softly.

"I really hope you're wrong and they won't be the size of a damn dragon egg."

She let out a small tsk and licked the front of her teeth, eyeing me over before smirking.

"I don't know, I mean the size you're already at I wouldn't be surprised if you had multiple dragon eggs in there."

"Eza!" I laughed, whacking the top of her arm with the back of my hand, "are you saying that Loki is a dragon?"

"Hm, no," she replied, tilting her head, "but by the sounds of it, his wife certainly is."

I covered my mouth as a laugh snorted out of my nose, not an attractive sound nor one I'd have willingly made.

"You had no idea."

"I don't think I want to honestly," Ezabella shook her head and trained her eyes on my stomach once again, "but on a serious note, are you supposed to be showing that much already?"

"I can only guess," I shrugged, "every pregnancy is different, right?"

She nodded slowly, though her frown didn't alleviate in the slightest, if anything it increased.

"Let's hope it's supposed to be."

I smile and reached over, running my fingers through her hair as comfortingly as I could.

"It's okay, Ezabella, we'll find out soon enough if there's something to worry about."

"You hope that it'll be soon."

"Yes," I sighed, closing my eyes, "the sooner the next nine months is over the better."

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