The Return Home

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Ezabella welcomed me with open arms when I arrived on our doorstep, literally being dropped off without being spared a glance.

They had quite literally thrown my bag out, opened the door to let me get out a little more carefully before shutting the doors once again and riding off back to the palace.

I was a little dazed and the hastiness of their departure, but no less relieved to get out of that rickety carriage that only resulted in churning my already sensitive stomach.

Looking at our little hut was strange after spending so long within the palace walls.

With its one story, the brown walls that were overgrown with green plants so badly that you could barely see out of the windows and the rickety looking frames that hardly held the windows in place, it was a strange sight to see after I had been surrounded by the purest whites and the shiniest of golds.

It was a welcome change, I truly felt at home.

I'd barely managed to pick up my bag before Ezabella threw open the door and raced out of the hut, tackling me in a tight, bone crushing hug that seemed to last for eternity.

"It's so good to have you home," she gasped into my neck, causing me to shudder.

"It's so good to be home," I smiled, hugging her back.

"I missed you so much," she said, tightening her hug.

I groaned and had to wriggle a little in her arms, laughing while rubbing her back.

"Eza, please, it's too tight."

"Oh," she gasped, pulling away, "sorry, I forget my own strength."

"It's not that," I waved her off with my hand, "it's more that I'm kind of sensitive in the uh...chest area."

Ezabella cocked her head to the side and frowned as if to decipher what I'd meant, her eyes briefly flickered over me before the lights sparked on and her eyes widened.

"Of course, you're pregnant right now," she stared at my stomach as if she was going to see it expand before her very eyes, "you have Loki's child in you."

"Yes," I nodded, "I am."

"You're going to get so big and round."

"Yes, Ezabella, I'll be doing that too."

"And your breasts will be sensitive and you'll lac-"

"Yes, thank you Eza, can we please go inside now?"

She gave me a cheeky grin and grabbed my bag, practically skipping back inside.

I shook my head and glanced down, poking around my nipples gently and wincing a little at the faint sting that rose at the contact, my mind's eye imagining me growing a few cups and ruining shirts in under a year if I wasn't careful.

Shaking myself back to reality, I headed inside and closed the door behind myself, basking in that familiar but now strange homely atmosphere that I had come to miss in the palace.

Ezabella stepped back into the small hall with a wide smile, with my bag nowhere to be seen I could guess that she had put it into my bedroom, I wouldn't be surprised if she went so far as to unpack it for me too.

"So," she started, elongating the word as the air suddenly turned awkward, "how it is?"

I quirked up an eyebrow and tilted my head.

"'It' as in what? Living in the palace? Being pregnant? Sex with a Prince?"

"Maybe all of them? You know my curiosity."

I laughed and with a shake of my head walked to the kitchen to prepare some much needed tea, Ezabella eagerly bouncing along behind me before plopping herself onto one of our worn seats.

"What is there to say?" I started with a shrug, "the palace is absolutely beautiful and most people were lovely, especially Frigga."

"What was Prince Thor like?"

"I didn't talk to him much but he seemed nice, a bit boisterous and seems to act before he thinks, but he was a nice guy."

"Okay," she leaned forward and rested her arms on the table, "and Prince Loki?"

"Beyond the sex we barely spoke, honestly, Avena seemed to like keeping us apart unless it was for that."

"And how was 'that'? Was it worth your first time?"

I paused for a moment, staring at the boiling kettle atop the stove as I thought about the experience.

The different positions, the change in his roughness depending on his mood and how his touches made me feel, the unusual contact from another person that elicited sensations I could never stir up on myself, much akin to trying to tickle yourself.

"It was nice," I said finally, "he was definitely skilled."

Ezabella gave a barked laugh which was accompanied by an uncharacteristic smirk.

"That's no surprise, he's had a lot of practice."

"Not if Avena's attitude is anything to go by."

"Oh, I mean long before he was married."

I gave a confused glance then turned back to the boiled water, carefully picking the hot kettle from the stove top and pouring the steaming liquid into two cups.

Setting the kettle back down onto one of the unheated stove rings, I turned my attention back to Ezabella to give the tea time to brew, leaning against the counter I folded my arms and chewed on my lip in contemplation.

"I'm not so sure those rumours are true," I started hesitantly, "to be honest I doubt marriage would have stopped him seeking out another if he was truly that desperate and used to getting it, in fact I think he barely left his own company most of the time."

"Maybe he had a fling in the library?"

"I doubt it, but who knows? If so then why would Avena go this far to get a child? Just use his mistresses'."

"Royals are strange, dear, only they know why they act."

"Perhaps, but I still doubt Loki acts as debaucherously bedroom wise as people always say."

Ezabella shrugged and I continued making the drinks, scooping some sugar into the cups and pouring in some milk to stir in.

"And what about the other question?"

"Which one is that?" I asked over my shoulder.

"What's it like knowing that you're carrying his child?"

My eyes glanced to the side, though I couldn't see her due to the table she sat at being behind me.

I could feel my hand almost tingle and move subconsciously to my stomach, a strange feeling bubbled up about how strange it was to know that under my palm, under the skin of my stomach which seemed plumper purely because of the luxurious food I had gotten to indulge in, that I was growing another little being who would eventually make themselves known by distorting my body to fit them.

My fingers twitched a little and I failed to notice that I was chewing on my bottom lip until Ezabella gently called my name and drew my attention back to the land of the present.

"Honestly?" I sighed, drawing my hand away to pick up the other cup and carry it to the table, "it feels strange, almost surreal."

I set the cup down and she took it gratefully, wrapping her calloused hands around the warm ceramic as she stared at me with soft eyes.

"You'll be okay, I'll support you ever step of the way."

The look of kindness in her eyes got to me and made my heart swell, but also flared up a terrible mood swing that caused tears to prick at my eyes due to both fear and her kindness.

"Thank you," I said, clearing my throat, "it truly means the world to me."

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