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Both Loki and I followed Avena's path across the room, watching as she was painfully smashed through the bedroom wall and left unceremoniously slumped in the corridor as Mjolnir lifted back through the damage and returned to Thor's outstretched hand.

"You really know how to pick them, don't you brother?"

Loki sighed and rolled his good eye, though he couldn't stop himself from smiling.

"This is what?" Thor continued, walking towards the bed while eyeing the hole in the wall, "the fourth time I've had to save you from someone who had you tied naked to the bed?"

"The first two times were completely non-consensual."

"And this time?"

"I at least know this one."

Thor glanced at me and smiled charmingly, though it also seemed a little apologetic.

Unclipping his cape, he carefully draped it over my shoulders so that I could hold it closed at my front.

"Sorry that I must see you in such a state of undress."

"It's okay," I smiled back shyly, looking away. "Will she be all right?"

"Of course she will be, we just have to wait for her to get up," he shrugged and looked towards the hole in the wall, wincing, "if she gets up."

From outside the room, guards storm down the corridor and I see two of them pulling Avena to her feet, she's evidently still out cold as her head hangs down to her chest.

"Take her to one of the cells so that she can await her sentence."

The guards bow and trudge off, leading Avena away.

My cheeks start glowing as I realize just what is about to happen.

Loki seems to realize too as his eyes widen and he looks from me, to Thor to the door.

"Don't let her in!"

The bedroom door opened and Frigga stepped inside, letting it fall closed behind her as she walked over, hands clasped in front of her.

"Oh, Loki," she smiled, "don't act like it's anything I haven't seen, who do you think changed you when you were younger?"

Loki let out a mortified groan and dropped his head back with his eyes as tightly screwed shut as he could get them, his cheeks burning a bright red.

"You should have let her kill me."

Had it not been so embarrassing to also be nude in front of the All-Mother I would have laughed.

Loki, the great God who took pride in his body and openness, was just as shy as most when it came to being nude with his mother present.

Something about that was adorable.

Then again, his entire relationship with Frigga was.

"You apprehended her quickly," I commented, trying to distract from the situation.

"She wasn't hard to figure out, dear," Frigga smiled, "we were well prepared to defend ourselves against them once everyone was taken to safety."

"And who were 'they', exactly?" Loki asked.

"Just some stragglers from various realms your father has had issues with, you know how it is."

"I'm surprised there wasn't a larger army in that case," he drawled out.

"Some of your father's enemies have sense, but we shall be thoroughly interrogating each of them in hopes of learning about any other possible plans."

Frigga stepped up beside Loki's shoulder, one hand running down the length of the chain that was sealed around one of his wrists.

Loki tilted his head to watch her, his lifting a soft pleading.

"Can you get these off of me?"

Looking down at her son, she smiled.

"I believe that I can, it's a simple set of magic when you have access to your seiðr."

"Rub it in, why don't you?"

"I believe I am," Frigga laughed softly, her eyes shining with mirth, "and then it's perhaps time for us all to sit down and have a discussion about your marriage."

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