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A delicate shake to my shoulder rustled me out of my fifth nap of the day, making me groan in resistance of opening my aching eyes.

"What?" I mumbled, feeling a building headache already rising in my left temple.

"Sorry to disturb you, future princess, but you're needed."

Ezabella couldn't contain her small giggle at her new title for me, she never could ever since the announcement, I think she was more excited about my future than I was.

"Eza, can't it wait?" I sighed, rubbing my eyes.

"I'm afraid not, your prince is summoning you."

I frowned in confusion, looking at her through bleary eyes.

"From where?"

"Get up and you'll see."

I sighed and threw away the thin blanket I had been using for my brief naps, which had become a regular occurrence now that I seemed to be getting less and less substantial amounts of sleep.

After struggling to sit up, I brushed off the skirts to my dress, attempting to smooth them out while Ezabella stood beside me with a strange smile.

"You may, um, wish to get changed first."

I looked at her then looked down as her eyes flickered towards my chest.

"Oh, not again," I groaned, rolling my eyes at seeing the patch that had grown on the right side of my dress.

This wasn't a common occurrence, but it had happened before.

A few times where I'd managed to sleep and I rested on my side, I would leak small amounts that seeped through the fabric of my clothes.

Nothing substantial, but still noticeable.

Ezabella smiled comfortingly and picked up a dress that she had laid at the end of the bed, one that I hadn't even noticed had been there.

"I'm telling you, Eza, I'm fed up of this now."

"Just think," she said with a soft laugh while undoing the back of my dress and helping me slip out of it, "just over a month and you'll be done with it."

"Not if he decides to hang on."

"With how stubborn his parents are, he just might."

Despite my slightly foul mood, I laughed along with her.

Who couldn't with Ezabella?

Once I was laced up and ready to go once again, she took my arm and led me away from the bed, across the room.

"Is my chair waiting outside?"

"We won't need that," she smiled at me, leading me to the closed door of the closet.

I give her a sideways glance, to which her smile widens into a grin and she stops outside the door.

"So what? He's summoned me for new maternity clothes? When it's almost over."

Ezabella gave me a look that told me that I was being an idiot and to shut up, then she let go of my arm and stepped forward, giving a rhythmic knock to the door before stepping back to my side once again.

A few beats pass and it starts to turn awkward as Ezabella stares at the door and my eyes flicker between it and her, all the while my ankles starting to ache more and more.

I was close to saying something with the door swung open and Loki leaned out, beaming widely from a mask of pale blue paint.

"Ah, there you are."

He let go of the door handle and took my hand, gently leading me into the closet.

Which was no longer a closet.

Loki's closet had always been large enough to be a separate room all by itself, much like his bathroom was, but it was space that he had barely used.

"What do you think?" He asked, stepping back and holding his arms out.

I looked around the room in awe, taking in the pale blue walls, which explained the dotting on Loki's clothes, with white borders and furniture.

There was a rocking chair sitting beside a swinging cot, a larger crib that was stable and didn't move, a set of drawers with a changing space on top which sat beside a large and already full bookcase.

In the furthest left corner from the entrance was Thor, covered in white paint as he finished off a chest that I guessed would hold toys.

My mouth was agape, unable to believe what I was seeing, not that I could for much longer as my eyes watered with tears.

Loki's arms slowly fell back to his sides and he took a step forward.


I finally looked at him and let out a choked sob of a laugh, covering my mouth with a shaking hand.

"This is absolutely amazing."

He let out a long breath and pulled me into his arms, kissing the top of my head.

"Anything for you and Varian."

I sniffled and let out another laugh, tilting my head to look up at him.

"So we've settled on that name?"

"I think we have," he nodded, smiling down at me.

I smiled back and leaned up to kiss him, then pulled away and slowly waddled around the room to take everything in, trying to ignore the smell of the paint.

"This is astounding, but how did you do it without me noticing?"

"Magical sound proofing," Thor chimed in, looking over with a grin, "courtesy of Mother, of course."

"Of course," I agreed with a laugh.

"And you never go into my closet," Loki chuckled, "I barely went in it."

I shook my head and smiled at him, my eyes slowly arcing around the room again.

"You really went above and beyond."

"Naturally, he needs a place to sleep and I don't intend on letting him too far out of my sight, hence why we'll be taking the door off until he's a little older."

"You have this all planned out."

"I do."

"Thank you."

"There's no need to thank me for taking care of my own."

Loki wrapped an arm around my waist and led me over to the rocking chair, helping me ease into it.

"Get used to sitting there, I expect to hear bedtime stories every night when I walk in."

I rolled my eyes and waved him off, looking towards the bookcase and taking in the titles he had picked out and snuck inside.

Loki took the chance to lean down and press a kiss to my forehead, gently caressing my cheek with a chilled hand.

"I'm just glad you like my little surprise."

Closing my eyes, I tilted my head into his palm.

"I absolutely love it."

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