A Needed Talk

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My leg bounced uncontrollably, the anxiousness of my blood results getting to me as I sat outside in the corridor to wait.

Ever since I got the news that it was a little boy, I found myself unable to stop talking to him and cooing while caressing my bump, as if just by finding out what I was carrying made me feel closer than I was previously.

Before, it seemed easier to distance myself somehow.

I also found that I was ridiculously giddy, mentally I reprimanded myself as I knew that I shouldn't be and yet I couldn't help it.

I was already getting dangerously attached and I still had five months to wait before he decided it was time to meet the world, reminding myself that he wasn't mine didn't help in the slightest.

The book I had brought to keep myself occupied was lying ignored on my lap, my mind was far too distracted to be able to take in anything of the contents anyway and I knew that I would end up having to re-read paragraphs once I was at home.

"You really are something," I said, running a hand over my bump again.

"But a healthy something, I'm presuming."

I jumped and whipped my head to the side, my book falling to the floor as I practically jumped up, as best as I could at least, as the All-Mother drew closer in slow steps, her face as friendly and welcoming as ever.

"Please, don't stand on my account."

"But my Queen, that is only the right thing to do."

"Not when you are so heavy with child," she smiled, a sparkle in her eye that reminded me so much of Loki.

I dared not to argue with her, so slowly sat back down as courteously as I could.

Frigga stopped before me and leaned over, scooping my book up from the floor and turning it over in her hands, her kind eyes roaming over the cover as she inspected it.

"A book about creatures from the nine realms?" She said, taking a seat beside me, "that sounds like quite an intriguing read."

"Oh, it definitely is," I smiled with a nod, "I have learned of many things in just a few pages, did you know that on Midgard they have these beings called Wraiths?"

"I did not and what would a Wraith be?"

"Apparently it's a form of spirit or ghost most known in one of their countries of Scotland."

Frigga gave a slow and understanding nod, one that showed that she was listening and taking in what I was saying.

"It sounds terrifying."

"I can imagine it would be encountering," I laughed.

"But, not as terrifying as what you're currently living through."

Gently, she set the book down on my lap and let her hand linger on top of it, her eyes staring into mine.

I found that I could only nod dumbly, my mouth hanging partially open.

"Yes, indeed."

"You are quite large already, you almost look to be full term," Frigga pulled away, sidling towards me in her seat and resting her hands in her lap.

How did she manage to make every move of hers look so fluid?

It was astounding how much Loki took after her.

"I feel as if I'm full term too," I laughed, trying to break my strange unease.

"It must be difficult for you, taking quite a toll."

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