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My stomach flipped horribly as I lay in bed, underneath the too warm covers my body was as straight and stiff as a board as I stared at the ceiling with a hand placed on my stomach.

This was actually happening.

I was carrying Loki's child, I had been for just over three weeks according to the healer's estimation.

Meaning that the first session with the enhancing magic was more than enough to work and the other sessions, although very fun and worth the experience, were unneeded.

But I was getting paid heftily for carrying the child of an Asgardian prince.

It almost felt surreal, even though I had signed up for it and knew what I was getting myself into, it still felt strange to be carrying the heir to royalty inside of me.

The shock didn't seem to want to pass and I found myself led on the healer's bed for longer than necessary, just staring at the ceiling as the information refused to sink in completely.

Frigga eventually helped me off the bed and to my temporary room, her eyes full of both concern and congratulations, a look that could only be succeeded by a woman of her compassion.

I loved Frigga, I didn't like having to lie to her about what was going on but Avena made it abundantly clear that this was to remain between the three of us, despite the questions that would surely arise should she be seen caring for a baby after showing no signs of pregnancy.

Avena was the first one to come to my room after Frigga left, the All-Mother had taken more time out of her day to make sure that I was comfy and as okay as I could be before taking her leaving.

The experience left me feeling a little buzzed and giddy, a sensation that fluttered away as soon as Avena strutted into the room without knocking.

"So, it's finally time it seems," she said, not even greeting me like a civilized being.

"It appears so," I mumbled back, still feeling too numb to give her any more.

"Great, so you can leave now until I summon you."


I looked at her with a quirked eyebrow as she strode up to my bed and sat down on the edge, once again not even asking for permission.

"What? You thought that you could stay here?"

"No, of course not," I shook my head and sighed, "I'm just surprised that you're essentially kicking me out already, we've only just got confirmation."

"I know, but it's best that you leave sooner rather than later."

"Right," I drawled, having to surprise my eyeroll, "it seems you have this all planned out."

"Naturally, I'd be stupid to get into this without a plan of some kind."

Her tone was too haughty for my liking and I had to bite back a snide reply about her brain power, this woman was paying my way for life for this, I couldn't risk messing it up now even if I did have a huge leverage over her head.

That thought made me feel a little better.

"Alright, so what's the plan?"

"Nosy, aren't we?"

"I'm part of this, aren't I? I think I have a right to know what exactly is going to be done so that I can be prepared."

Avena made a strange humming sound in the back of her throat and barely shrugged her shoulders, proving just how much she cared about my position within the situation.

"I guess you have a point," she conceded, though she didn't look all too impressed with having to.

There was a brief pause in conversation as she pursed her painted lips and pulled them to one side, clearly thinking it all over.

"Fine," Avena shifted a little on my bed, twisting to face me better as if that would somehow enhance the points that she was about to raise. "So, the plan is rather simple, you go home and come back every now and then for 'catch up' time," she moved her fingers in air quotes as if I couldn't pick up the hint in the change within her voice.

"Mhmm," I hummed dully, indicating for her to continue with a look that I hoped put my thoughts across.

"As far as anyone else is concerned, you're just a friend coming by to see me as we share the excitement of pregnancy together."

"Right and how do you plan on explaining all that?"

"Explaining what?"

"How can we "share the excitement of pregnancy" if you aren't pregnant."

"Oh honey, you're so simple," she laughed and reached over, patting my knee which was hidden beneath the bed covers, "I'll cast an illusion."

"One that'll hold for nine months, give or take?"

"Only when in the public eye, when it's just me and my Lokes then it won't matter, will it?"

I wrinkled my nose and had to look away as a grimace tried to force its way onto my face at the nickname, my mind internally cringing.

"Well, I'm sure you and your 'Lokes' will be more than capable of keeping up the lie, but what story have you concocted for me?"

"It's simple, you got into a little fling with a worker here and fell pregnant, nothing extravagant, think you can remember that?"

"I'll try to."

I had to grit my teeth to refrain from letting the sarcasm drip in my tone as annoyance boiled uncomfortably in my stomach, my fingers gripped at the material beneath them to let out some tension.

"Now," I said after a moment's breath, "what about payment?"

"Oh yes, payments shall be made in parts over the coming months after every checkup."

"Ah," I nodded, "to make sure that things are going well and worth paying for I assume."

"You assumed correctly," she smiled as if proud that I had picked up what she was saying so quickly. "So now you're welcome to stay for a while longer, maybe a day or two to let Loki talk to you about his wants and then you can go until you receive my letters for further instruction."

Avena patted higher up my leg and stood up, glancing me over with a plastered-on smile before leaving, letting the door shut needlessly loudly behind her.

I let out a long breath and dropped my head back against the headboard of the bed, my hand absently trailing to my stomach as I closed my eyes.

"Kid, you're in for a rough ride."

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