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I was well into my seventh month, barely able to stand and getting bored of being pregnant by the time Loki made the announcement.

Everyone had gathered in the great hall, sitting at the lined tables and eagerly chatting amongst themselves as mead and beer was shared.

There was an excited buzz in the room that only made my nerves flare up considerably worse with each passing second.

By this stage in the pregnancy I looked like I was carrying five children who were ready to come out and my breasts were larger and heavier than I ever imagined they would be, the stretch marks that had already shown up months ago seemed to get deeper and turn a darker shade of purple, my back ached more often than it didn't and there were times when I found myself short of breath.

Walking had become difficult and the use of Thor's gifted wheelchair became more frequent, not that it didn't much to ease the swelling in my hands and ankles.

I was tired, itchy in places I couldn't reach, constantly needing to pee and could barely sleep.

Silently, as I sat up reading one night while Loki slept soundly beside me and the baby constantly shifted around inside, I vowed to never do this again.

Odin, Frigga and Thor were already sat the head table, overlooking the people with varying expressions.

Odin had a face that held no real expression beyond calm, which was better than I had anticipated in complete honesty.

Frigga was speaking with Thor, her smile soft and warm like a content mother's while Thor's was wide like an excited soon-to-be uncle.

Loki looked into the room and then turned to me, crouching down before my chair and resting his cool hands on my bump.

"Are you all right?"

I nodded, taking a deep breath, "I'm just nervous, I hate having eyes on me."

"I understand, I promise to make this as quick and painless as I can, okay?"

"Yes, I'll ease into it so don't feel rushed, it's something I'll have to get used to now right? What with my face being associated with your name from now on."

"I suppose so." He gave me a reassuring smile and leaned up, pressing a kiss to my forehead, "You'll be fine."

I nodded and took another deep breath, giving him a smile despite the horrible tightening that was occurring in my abdomen as we spoke.

"Let's do this."

"That's the spirit."

He stood up and moved around the back of the chair, giving my shoulder a quick pat of reassurance before he wheeled me inside.

All eyes turned to us as we made our way down the long hall, directly in the centre of the rows of tables, three to our left and three to our right.

In their already tipsy stupor, cheers and applause met us unexpectantly which made my cheeks heat up, a stupid reaction on my part as it was obviously the alcohol already flowing through them that was making them giddy, but my reaction all the same.

They probably would have cheered a walselph waddling down the centre of the room if it meant celebrating something.

Loki stopped my chair in the furthest corner of the room by the stairs that led up to the royal table and helped me out of it, with a bit of effort we managed to make it up and into our designated seats.

We settle into our seats and let ourselves revel in the cheerful atmosphere of the room.

Truthfully, it was nice to be able to sit here without feeling Avena watching my every move, leaving me tense and questioning every move I made.

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