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The throbbing between my legs was unlike anything I had experienced before.

Needless to say, Loki was significantly bigger than anything I had ever used to experiment by myself, a fact I'm sure would give him a boost of confidence.

Not that he needed it.

The man was practically made of ego and pride.

There were marks that ached covering me, he hadn't been gentle and seemed to relish in biting, bruising and scratching.

It had taken me by surprise just how rough he was.

I had guessed that he was letting out frustrations that had clearly built up over the course of his marriage, his rough and domineering attitude being an outlet for his discontent but also the release of need that stirred over the time of him not being allowed to touch her.

The night dragged on until early morning before Loki had decided that he had had enough, the amount of times he had managed to finish inside of me was unlike anything I had heard of happening before.

I'd been contorted into positions I didn't even know existed and I found myself, at times, cramping up and wishing that I had been given some kind of elixir to loosen my muscles.

Something told me that Avena was aware that this sort of thing would occur and leaving me to suffer in unnatural positions was a way of showing me my place, despite her being the one who had hired me in the first place.

'What a screwed-up family this child will be introduced to,' I thought to myself, looking down at Loki who was peacefully slumbering beside me.

He looked gentler when he was asleep, kinder and less like the world was on his shoulders.

Before he had been handsome in a rugged kind of way, now he was beautiful and I could see what people meant by him being a devastating beauty.

It was bad to think, but I kind of hated him for it despite the fact that as he slept I found myself stroking his hair, unable to keep my hands off of him.

Loki had been asleep for just under an hour before the door open and Avena stepped in, her nose instantly wrinkling as she closed the door, no doubt that the smell of sex was strong in the air considering how long Loki had been going on for.

It wasn't a smell that was familiar to me but it wasn't exactly something which bothered me, it had concerned me a little to begin with as, although I'd heard there was such a thing, I hadn't been expecting it to be as strong as it was but the contortion of her face made it evident that she was put off by it instantly.

"I'm presuming you had fun," she stated bluntly, her hands crossed at her thin wrists and clasping onto the opposite arm as she made her way towards the bed, her heels clicking too loudly as she walked.

"I hurt all over," I whispered, glancing down at Loki to make sure he wasn't stirring.

"I can imagine that would be the case, but your service is done, you may leave now."

"Go home?"

"No," Avena looked at me as if I was talking dirt that only had stupid things to say, "to your guest room, you are to stay with us, a test shall be run shortly after each session and you leave when we have confirmation that a child will be given to us."

I raised my eyebrow and opened to mouth to reply before sighing, clamping my lips shut again.

Considering that I was nude and vulnerable in her husband's bed, I didn't particularly wish to start an argument over the flaw of her logic.

Did she really think that they could tell mere hours, maybe days, after intercourse?

If that's what she thought then it gave me the idea as to why she didn't want to carry the child, she had no idea what to actually expect.

"So I'm going to be stuck here for a while then?"

"As long as it takes to get a positive result back, the healers shall let us know immediately and we will take it from there."

"Wonderful," I nodded, putting on a pleasant smile, "that could only take a couple of weeks, I'll let you know if I miss my period or anything."

Avena narrowed her eyes a little, but didn't respond further to my passive aggressiveness, good on her really.

"You may leave now."

"Okay," I conceded, glancing down at myself then back at her, "but would you mind turning away?"


"Because I'm naked and I don't wish for you to see me naked."

"You shall be baring my child and my husband has taken you, I think this is the least intimate thing that could happen in our current situation."

Avena's expression was one that I could only describe as dark pleasure, the way her painted lips pulled to one side and her plucked eyebrows scowled made her look almost evil.

She didn't move, just stood there, waiting for me the throw the covers back and slide out of the bed from beneath her husband's arm, which was resting across my lap.

The silent staring showdown wasn't getting us anywhere quickly and I let out a loaded sigh.

Throwing the covers away, I was greeted by an unpleasant chill that caused goosebumps to rise and my nipples to harden, this new cold was so strong that they started to tingle unpleasantly and I was more eager than before to jump out of the bed and grab my clothes, seeing as I'd already caved in to her hardened stare and couldn't just climb back under the covers.

Avena watched me like a hawk as I slipped out from beneath Loki's arm and stood on still numb legs, the feeling being surreal and uncomfortable, but not as bad as the tension that was seeping off the woman before me.

Her eyes roamed over my elixir improved body and her face twisted into a sneer.

To think she had been so nice whilst making the deal with me.

I'd barely managed to step past her before she swept up my clothes off the floor, shoved them into my arms and forcefully pushed me out of the room with hard blows to my back.

The door slammed behind me before I'd had a chance to take a step forward and the wood knocked against my bare ass, causing me to flinch forward.

Looking over my shoulder at the secured door in bewilderment, standing naked in the corridor with my clothes bundled against my chest, I couldn't believe the situation I had gotten myself in to.

Awkwardly, I shifted back into the discarded and partially torn clothes, which caused the marks Loki had given me to flare up in pain, and stumbled my way down the corridor, hoping to find the room I'd been assigned without having to stop and ask for the sake of my own dignity.

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