Chapter Three - Killer Queen

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Chapter Three – Killer Queen

"Meg, this isn't a good idea!" Mary said as I continued packing my suitcase. It was six am and we had spent most the night arguing over what was best for me. "You don't know what its like being in the public eye. They don't care who they hurt as long as they make money" She explained "Trust me, you read the papers about Freddie and I. About him being gay..that's how low they'll go" I threw my shirt down on the top case.

"Mary. I'm going. I'm living my life for once. I want to be with him. Being around him makes me feel alive" I explained "Its like he's the moon and I'm the sun. Without either one, the other would be nothing" She sighed "Surely you feel like that. If you could go with Freddie wouldn't you?" I asked looking at her.

"Of course I would" She smiled pulling me in for a cuddle "Go live your life. But if it gets to hard just call me ok?" I nodded pulling away, I did my suitcase up hearing a car horn out the front. It was Roger is his car.

"Is that the car he wrote about?" Mary joked as I nodded.

"Yup" I smirk kissing her cheek. "I'll see you soon" I smiled watching her as I grabbed my bags heading downstairs. Mary stood there for a few moments before following me, at the front door I stood waiting for her as she came down and waved to Roger who got out the car to help me with my bags.

"Please be safe!" Mary warned me as Roger came and collected my two suitcases. He kissed me softly before smiling to Mary.

"I'll look after her Mary, you have my word" He said honestly, before taking my bags back to the car.

"Mary, ill be fine" I tried to reassure her.

"You've only known him just over forty-eight hours Meg. I know Roger is a great guy. He really is and you both are lucky. But touring...the press all have their consequences" I sighed

"Mary, I know. But I need to do this. I need to..." I say softly "I love him Mary. I love him with all my heart!" She pulled me in again holding me tightly.

"Fly..." She smirked pushing me playfully into the arms of Roger who caught me with that warming, sexy smile. He held me close, the warm summer breeze blowing our hair as I looked up at him. His hand on my back as he tilted me back slightly leaning down kissing me passionately. My hands lost within his hair, he growled into the kiss as he pulled back from the kiss. Still foggy from the kiss, he took my hand leading me back to the car.

The drive was long to Heathrow, Roger had said we would be meeting the guys at the airport. I had my hand hanging out the window, my head tilted back as Roger ran his fingers through my hair with one hand on the wheel. Just him, it was enough. Just being in a car, even in silence was enough for me. I tilted my head seeing him smiling at me. Queen played softly on the radio quietly as he begun singing.

"Find me...somebody to love..." He sung softly in his raspy soft voice.
"I think I found you someone" I smirked leaning over kissing him softly, placing my right hand on his chest and my left hand on his cock, over his shorts. It was summer, well the end of summer at least. And Roger is shots was enough to send me crazy on its on. WOW! If my hands could talk, they both, simultaneously, would have exclaimed,


His torso was rock hard and well defined. I then dragged my hand down across his perfect six-pack abs. I needed to bring that hand all the way down, because my left hand required serious help to get a proper hold of his engorged cock! I stroked it a bit, still over his shorts, but I couldn't wait any longer to unwrap my prize. I quickly pulled his shorts down. He had no underwear on. I took a moment to examine up close. It wasn't the first time I'd seen it but it certainly seemed to be bigger each time. Eight or nine inches in length and very thick. I could not get my hand and long fingers completely around his girth. There also wasn't a hair in sight! With the visual forever saved, I went to work. I struggled to get my lips and mouth past his huge cock head. The taste was salty from his sweat, but I do enjoy that. My left hand fondled his balls while my right hand stroked the massive shaft. His fingers lost within my hair, tightening the grip as the guided my head and down, his raspy deep moans filled his car with the smell of sex.

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