Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

His voice angered, yelling and screaming as he followed me through our house. Two suitcases open on the bed as i packed the childrens things. I could hear his voice echoing in the background, i tried my hardest to block it out. I didnt want to know why he did or what was running through his mind. It wasnt me and it wasnt our children and that said more that his excuses.

"Come on Meg...listen to me" I froze holding one of the childrens dresses. The image of me raising six children terrified me but i had been doing it since day one. I knew what i was signing up for. Men like Roger, never stay loyal. I was something new and different. He hadnt tried different and then he returned to his old ways.

"Roger...please just stop. I cant fight no more. I'm tire...." My stomach twisted and knotted as i dropped the clothing pushing past Roger. I slammed the bathroom door shut and hurled myself against the toilet throwing up. A mix of extreme emotional feelings and upset mix with morning sickness. Wasnt a good combo.

"Meg...look dont upset yourself and make yourself sick. Come out here so we can talk about this and sv e our fucking marriage" I couldnt help but smirk a little. He actually thought he had a chance to save this? This of which he destoryed by sleeping with another woman. I rose wiping my mouth on my sleeve.

"You actually think this is saveable?" I said opening the bathroom door "Youve been sleeping with another woman for six fucking years and had no plans to leave either of us..."

"For fuck sake Meg..I couldnt do much. The bitch is six months pregnant with my kid apparently" The pit of my stomach filled with vomit at the thought of him getting another woman pregnant. I pushed past him grabbing my handbag from the end of the bed. Opening my purse i took out the most recent scan photo throwing it at him.

"So am i. Four months... you dont care about that though do you?" I snapped

"Meg how the fuck was i meant to know? You didnt tell me"

"and telling you would have changed things? Shes six months and i am four. Youve been fucking her since before Harley was born...and you thinking knowing im pregnant is going to make any difference whatsoever" He just stood there staring at me "Yeah exactly what i thought" I continued packing.

" begging you please dont leave. Dont take the kids...ill end it, ill end it today. Right now. With you there as proof" He was crying on he knees by this point.

"Rog..." ... "Roger..." i tilted my head holding back my tears "I want to...i do...i want to belive you but i dont. I'm going to stay with Mary until i can find somewhere to buy for me and the kids. Dont worry, i wont deny you access. Hopefully youll make this ones birth...unless your new family are taking up your time." I paused before turning around bending down on the ground infront of him. My hand brushed his cheek, warm and soft as he moved his face against my palm, his lips kissing my hand softly.

"Please. Stay" He pleaded as i bent down, my lips softly brushing his as the tears broke the barrier. Falling over my cheeks as i felt this kiss returned. A sigh was enoguh to make me break away from him.

"I love you Roger. Always have. Always will. But i need to go, for me now. I cant forgive six years...of lying and betrayal" I closed my eyes "Its too long. You slept with her. One of us needs to be brave and think of the children, born and to come..."

"You can have everything. I'll leave. Have the need it more" I shook my head

"I'll be fine" I said proudly standing up. "I lived without you once before. I can again..."

"You waited so long to be with me...was it worth it?" Roger said taking my hand

"More than worth it. Its just a shame you went a ruined it" He tilted his head looking at me "Its true Roger...You and i know it. We had it all...we were happy and you went and slept and pretty much started a second family with another woman, returning home whenever you need something that isnt her."

Backing away i sealed the suitcase before throwing some of my clothes in the other case.

"I'll have someone come and collect the rest of my things and the childrens stuff" Zipping the case i turned seeing Roger crying. Rare had i seen him cry. It was just hard to see if it was us over that made him upset or the fact he got caught. He helped me carry them down to my car.

"I'll arrange a lawyer and hopefully we can get this sorted without it getting too messy and hopefully before you have two newborns to worry about" The children sat sleeping in the back, Lola the only one awake and drawing on the back window.

"Meg...please dont go. Stay please" He pleaded, and it hurt. Everything hurt but i needed to be strong for the children. Inside i wanted to scream and cry, i felt sick and dirty. I wanted to bathe and wash his touch away, wash any remains of her and him off my skin. I kissed his cheek softly.

"I'm sorry Roger...I love you...But i dont in the way i did before i knew the truth" With that i turn and get into the car closing the door behind me, i watch him out the corner of my eyes.

Radio off

Rain and thunder growling throughout the country area, making the trees glow.

We were over. But life wasnt.

I pulled from the driveway leaving Roger on his knees. He had done this. 

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