Chapter Twenty Four

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Now i know none of you are going to like this chapter but unfortunately i have lost my muse to write this and sadness and drama is all i felt so sorry everyone. 

Chapter Twenty Four

November 24th 1991

Six years later

Life had been life aka difficult since we last spoke, Freddie and Jim was happier than ever. Brian and Anita had just had another baby. John and his wife were off living life. Life without Queen touring was oddly satisfying. Roger was around much more and saw more of the children. Harley was born early; she was born at seven months and was now five year's old, coming up to six. We had decided to put any other babies on hold for the time being, life may have been perfect but it wasn't far from troubles. Even though Roger saw more of the kids, I didn't see more of Roger. He wasn't around nearly as much as he should have been, vanishing in the middle of the night, vanishing for weekends and no one knowing where he'd gone. I'd mentioned it and we'd fight. A lot. No makeup sex. Just pure fighting, raw and angry. He'd get defensive and angry.

"Baby! Baby wake up. We have to go!" I stirred hearing Roger calling my name as I rolled over groaning in my sleep. "Baby seriously, it's Freddie" I shot up hitting my head into Rogers, both letting out a growl in pain.

"What's wrong with Freddie?" I rubbed my head flipping my legs over the edge of the bed.

"They don't think he has much time left and we should go and say our goodbyes" Roger was trying his hardest to keep himself together and it tore me apart more than anything. I pulled him into my arms hushing him.

"Shh we'll go and look after him baby. I'll get Alice to watch over the children" He looked up at me with those beautiful eyes I got lost within.

"Already taken care of we just got to leave now" I nodded slightly and got up

"I'm just going to shower, Lola was sick last night and I swear I still smell of it even though I bathed" He chuckled and blew a kiss.

"Enjoy babe" He said leaving the bedroom.

After a shower I headed down grabbing the house keys and my coat. Snow fell softly outside as I closed our front door. Christmas was just a month away and everyone was pretty hyped but how could you be hyped knowing one of the most amazing people in your world was about to die. I was trying my hardest to keep myself together, for the band, for the children and for myself. Even though the years had flown by, it was hardest watching Freddie's light slowly burning out. After the Magic Tour the band had decided to take a break and just record albums and stop touring for Freddie's sake.

The entire ride to Freddie's was in silence, Roger seemed in his own mind which concerned me, normally he was a talker but this time he didn't, he kept looking at his phone as if he was waiting for a call of something. I didn't say anything just to be safe. We stepped out the car and walked separately up to the front door. Roger walked straight in as Brian met me.

His look said everything I felt.

"You okay?" Brian asked as I shook my head

"I don't know anymore Bri...he...he's not Roggie anymore. He calls me baby occasionally but he's never home...well barely. He'll say he's off with you boys recording and then you'll call and be at home. I think...I think he's seeing someone else Bri" Finally saying the words out loud was a relief. Like I vented.

Bri looked down at me with such sadness and in that moment I knew something wasn't right. I was being lied to by all angles. I felt my world crumbling around me. Over ten years of marriage and I knew it was over by the look on Brian's face.

" you know something?" the words I dreaded to ask.

"I'm sorry Meg...he told us he was going to end it months ago. That's why I didn't say anything" and just like world crumbled into ashes in my mouth. I felt the drop of my heart hit the pit of my stomach.

"How long..." I felt the tears burn my cheeks and eyes as they rolled out uncontrollably.

"Just over two years...but he swore he was ending it a few months back" I stumbled back from Brian, John walking behind him.

"I need...I need to go I think. Tell Freddie, I'll call him and I'm sorry"

"Meg...he's dying don't go. Say goodbye face to face. You won't even need to see Roger. I'll distract him" Brian said softly "You deserve to say goodbye. I don't think you'll being sticking around..."

"Okay..." My answer was short and that's all I could push.

Once inside I tried to push all my feelings aside seeing Freddie in bed, he looked so frail and sick. His smile though broke through like sunlight on a rainy day.

"How do you never manage to get older darling? I'm almost jealous that you still look twenty – one" I laughed and then came the tears. I sat on the side on the bed beside Freddie. "Darling...What's wrong?"

And in this moment, all I wanted to hear was Freddie didn't know about Roger.

"Did you know...about Roger cheating on me...and the fact he still is?" Freddie tilted his head.

"I did. I'm sorry...If it's any help, I've barely spoken to him since I found out. It started just before Harley was born..." I froze and looked up from the bed.

"Harley? Are you sure?"

"Darling...I am so sorry. I was at the party they met at. It was one of the reasons he was late for the birth" He paused and moved into a different position "I don't agree with it, he stayed because he claimed he loved you, but after a year I knew he wasn't planning to leave either of you so I stopped socialising. I was the reason we stopped touring, because I didn't want to feed his cheating ego" My world felt like it was crumbling around me. I couldn't breathe.

"Freddie I have to understand doesn't you?" He nodded "I love you so much. But I can't stay somewhere, where everyone lies to me. I have five children, all under the age of ten to worry about...and...another on the way. I'm four months gone...I didn't say anything because in my gut I knew he wasn't the same. He wouldn't be around" Freddie leaned up and opened his side drawer with a struggle taking out a small book.

"I understand" He said scribbling "Now I don't want you saying no...because I don't need it. I'm dying Meg, but are still young and you a fantastic mother. You've done everything for those children. Now with this, I want you to go home, pack your bags and get the hell away from here. Go start a new life somewhere. Raise that child and be happy because you deserve to be happy darling" He handed me the paper as I looked down, my mouth dropped.

Thirty million pounds

"Freddie. I can't accept this..."

"Yes you can. Because you won't get anything in the divorce. You signed a prenup. Roger said he didn't want one, but he had you sign it without you being aware. You won't get anything darling. You'll have six children and no money" I stared at Freddie a moment before hearing the door open. Roger and Brian stood there staring at me.

"I have to go... Freddie. Thank you. You are truly an angel and know forever I always loved you" I started to lean up as he pulled me down and kissed my cheek.

"Go be happy" I nodded and leaned up. Turning around my world seemed to go into slow motion. Rogers eyes met mine as I walked past both him and Bri. His hand reached out for my wrist as i yanked it free.

"Don't you ever touch me again. You will never touch me again" I pulled away and headed out the door.

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