Chapter Nineteen - Who Wants To Live Forever

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Chapter Nineteen – Who Wants To Live Forever

Rogers POV

I pushed through the hospital doors, Brian, Freddie and John all following behind me as we came to a reception desk. I looked like a car crash, my eyes wide with bag below them. I hadn't slept in weeks and that was noticeable.

"Where is she? Megan Taylor...Is she alive? I was told she was rushed in here...what about...the babies?" My voice broke, tears claiming my cheeks. The receptionist got up silently moving out the back as I look back the boys.

She's probably getting a doctor Rog, she's a receptionist. She isn't permitted to give out that sort of information" Brian said rubbing my back

"I fucking hate hospitals" Freddie muttered as a doctor came out of the side door heading towards me, holding a file. He looked plain and boring like all doctors.

"Where is she?" I demand

"Mr Taylor, I ask you to remain calm with what I am about to tell you. It is important you listen to everything" Brian tapped my back nodding as the doctor continued "You're wife, she is alive" I sighed in relief crumbling to my knees, a heart wrenching cry escaped my lips, happiness and peace flooded through me as I sobbed quietly. Brian dragged me back up to my feet as I wiped my tears.

"She is stable but she's critical. She's lost a lot of blood, a worrying amount. We have her undergoing a blood transfusion at the moment. The positive point is, she's conscious but sleeping thankfully. Now your babies are healthy." The doctor smiled mentioning nothing of their births "There were many things and still are concerning issues, like the fact she had a worrying amount of what we would refer to as a date rape drug in her system, she was found by a woman walking her dog early hours of this morning, unresponsive. I hear the police are with her and can hopefully fill you in with more details. Until then you're welcome to go in and sit, all of you but be, if she does wake up you don't want her overwhelmed." The doctor smiled before walking off back into the other room.

My head turned as I looked into the room beside me, there she was. She looked peaceful but battered and dirty; I pushed the door open just staring at her. Slowly I moved beside her, my fingers locking with hers as I bent down kissing her fingers softly.

"I'm so sorry princess" My voice broke before Freddie squeaked softly behind me, my head popping up as I turned seeing two small baskets. Slowly I moved towards them looking over the edge.

Baby Taylor

Printed on the front of the baskets as I looked down at two sleeping angels, my hand covered my mouth. My knees weakening beneath me as Brian caught me. She had them, alone, my beautiful, brave wife. I moved my trembling fingers over their cheeks, my babies, how could two beings be so perfect. Their skin soft and warm as I bent down kissing one and then the other before hearing moaning behind me, my head shot up as all four of us moved over to the bed. I rushed around grabbing her hand, her eyes fluttering open slightly.

Megs POV




"I'm so sorry princess" His voice was like a beacon calling me home, my eyes fluttered slightly feeling a release from my hand as my fingers twitched grabbing the sheets of the bed. My body aching as I turned my head slightly. I could hear movement, my eyes flickered open to a dim lit room. I lifted my hand up to my head groaning slightly as I grab the remote pressing the button to lean up. I look up seeing eight pairs of eyes staring at me and like a train, tears rolled over my cheeks.

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