Chapter Nine - These Are The Days Of Our Lives

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Chapter Nine – These Are The Days Of Our Lives.

Paris was beautiful; the entire weekend had been fabulous and now we were on our final day due to go home tomorrow. Which neither of us wanted. We sat outside this small coffee shop, cigarette between his lips as you sip on your latte. The sun hung high in the sky as a warm summer breeze blew through blowing my yellow summer dress. Roger had a smug grin across his lips as he blew his smoke away from me. I watched the small boats sail up the river as I continued to drink my drink.

"You look beautiful" He said happily "Glowing" I couldn't help but blush as I looked around at him, my head tilted cutely as I smiled at him.

"Ahh must be your babies radiating your beauty through me then" I chuckle

"Oh you and I both know you were beautiful before them" He said softly leaning over the table placing a small kiss on my lips. "So when is the next scan?" He wondered dabbing out his cigarette.

"Oh, um three weeks I think. I'll be hitting four months then and we can find the sex. I spoke to the doctors before we left, because we'd be on tour. So it'll be slightly difficult. We'll pRogerably have to time it and see where you'll be performing and then see if we can make an appointment with a doctor out there. If I have insurance I don't think it will be much of an issue" I said finishing my drink "But, it will be a big scan" I say picking up my croissant nibbling on it.

"Why? Is something wrong?" He said leaning up looking concerned.

"No...I'm fine; we'll be finding out the sexes of our babies...seeing if we'll have a drummer junior coming or two of them. Just like daddy!"

"Or a boy and girl. A drummer like his daddy and an angel like her mummy" Roger like this made me melt. He was such a romantic and it was nice because it was our moment. "Right hurry and finish, I have one last surprise for you..." He said rather excited as he picked up the shopping bags. We'd spent most the morning shopping, clothes for us both, neutral clothing for the babies. It had been perfect. I hurried and finished my croissant.

"Why? Where we going" I say licking my fingers before he swooped down licking the final two. A moan escaping our lips at the same time. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I gasped. Most of our days here ended in the most heated sex I had ever experienced. It just kept getting better and better each time. Roger pulled me up to my feet, my bump clearly showing. Normally it shouldn't have but three months and two babies growing. I expect to be huge by nine months. I grabbed my bag as Roger dragged me down the River Seine edge. His fingers tangled in mine as we walked beside one another. My straw summer hat blew softly as I used my free hand to hold it down. We both wore black sunglasses; Roger didn't want to be recognised. He wanted it to just be a weekend designed for us and so far it had been that exactly.

He led me down towards the Eiffel Tower that stood tall above us. My head tilted up as I removed my sunglasses looking up. The sun blocked out by the tall tower blocking it. I whistled as I looked up not even being able to see the top.

"Uh Rog...are we?" I stutter

"You're damn right we are" He pulled me as I was dragged through; he flicked off his sunglasses once we were inside. "Oi mate, mind if we use to elevator. My girl, she's pregnant" He said as the security took a moment to process who or how he recognised Roger.

"Oh monsieur... tu es le ....Drummer... uhh... Queen ... Uhhh Roger Taylor?" I couldn't help but chuckle; it was adorable watching the man trying to translate who Roger was from French to English.

"Yeah that's me..." Roger said proudly, a smug smile hung on his lips. He opened the elevator doors allowing me to enter first before Roger followed.

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