Chapter Twenty-Three - Live Aid

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Chapter Twenty-Three – Live Aid

Saturday July 13th 1985

The day had gone on and on, we had met the prince and princess of Wales and I almost showed her my inner fan girl, who was cheering her ass off with excitement when Princess Diana shook my hand. The prince however gave me a short nod before they sat down. Now, we were backstage. Freddie was yet to turn up; he had something to do and a surprise for all of us apparently, although I don't know how many more surprises I can handle, whether they were good or bad. Surprises seemed to be behind most corners nowadays.

Roger had been picking outfits for almost an hour when the stylist came in. I was already sat on the sofa, my head killing me as Roger popped two pain relief into my palm as I downed them with some water.

But it didn't take long before my heart pounded so fast I could hear it pounding in my ears, sickness pooled in my stomach as I sat in Rogers dressing room watching his stylist do his hair, Roger made cute little noises as they brushed and tugged his hair. I didn't feel great, my mouth watering as I swallowed over and over. It couldn't be, not already. Could it?

I felt my head spinning as I watched Roger, I saw my reflection in his mirror, I was white as a ghost, my stomach was doing flips, I felt like I was on a boat rocking back and forth. Roger turned and looked at me; he winked before his face turned pale.

"Baby, are you alright?" He said concerned as I shook my head and stood up, rushing past his hair stylist, I pulled the trailer door open seeing John and Brian. Pushing them both out my way I ran, pushing past everyone on set, singers, celebrities, security, stage hands. I pushed the ladies toilet doors open, making it to the toilet as I fell to my knees throwing my head forward. The noise echoed through the bathroom as I heard the door close. I went to kick the bathroom door shut but my eyes came face found itself staring at Freddie.

"Hmm...Again?" He said looking down at me; he was leaning against the wall smiling, I hadn't spoken to Freddie since hearing the news and he seemed so bold and happy "Wait here darling!" He moved to the door as I saw another man with a Freddie styled moustache "Would you mind being a darling and popping off and getting me..." He leaned closer whispering and I couldn't make out the word but I already knew.

Freddie returned to me smiling

"Now both you and Roger are either at it like rabbits or you are super fertile" Freddie laughed

"We spoke last week about trying for a baby again" I say throwing my head forward once more, but no sick it was more a gag reflex "but since Lola was conceived and born I haven't been on birth control. It's just been hectic, four of them all under five running around, I never got the chance to get back on it and then Roger wanted more children...well a boy actually" Freddie slid down the wall and pulled me into his arms.

"Well I plan on being there at the birth this time. I've missed all four, I won't miss another" Freddie said cuddling me. I looked up at him with my bright blue eyes.


"Yeah?" He said softly

"I know we're meant to support you, but I need you to know..." I pause "I love you; you are my only family, you and the boys and Mary. You were the mother and father in all one. You are and always will be the best" He smiled

"Roger told you" He said brushing my hair softly.

"Of course he did. We share no secrets" Freddie chuckled

"Oh that I know" He smiled down at me "But thank you, I hope you and Mary well and my mother and sister, you four are the only girls I've ever truly loved" I chuckled

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