Chapter Eighteen - I'm Going Slightly Mad

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Chapter Eighteen – I'm Going Slightly Mad

Sweating and panting, I couldn't do it, I could barely breathe. Paul and David's voice died out behind my screaming, my hands searching and roaming, grabbing the sheets in the dirty old room as I rocked back and forth trying to find a comfortable position, like there was such a position. Paul hung over me like he was waiting for me to explode. Blood trickled down my legs as I let out a scream of pain. Blood, was that a good sign, did it mean something was wrong. I needed a hospital or a doctor, something, drugs, I need Roger. David had left the room after a bunch of banging happened downstairs. This was my moment, my moment to attack, I had to time it perfectly. Paul was alone now and he was weaker than he seemed, emotionally he had the emotions of a rock.

"Fuckkk" I whimper, screaming through my gritted teeth as my forehead coming face to face with the bed sheets. I couldn't do this; I couldn't go through all this pain...twice just to have them taken away from me. I needed to get away before I was full dilated and ready to give birth. My head on the mattress, my eyes fluttering between consciousness, the pain mixing with the sleeping drugs I had been given over and over sent me over the edge. I leaned my forehead on the edge of the bed I saw something under the bed, firewood, just a long enough plank. I had to fake an attack or something that could risk me or the babies. I began to shake my body as I was fitting. Maybe I was a bloody good actress; maybe photography wasn't my true calling.




All noises that escaped my mouth as I pulled an attack of some sort, Paul moved behind me trying to move me as I made my body a dead weight. The blood trickled from my legs making me feel sick, an unsettled feeling hit my pit as I threw myself forward forcefully throwing up. Acting had turned suddenly realistic; my palms hit the dirty floor beneath me as I continued to throw up.

"Fuck" He muttered as I heard him go for the door, and that was my moment. I forced myself to stop throwing up, it was now or never. My hand reached under the bed, grabbing the thick log as I continued and pretended to struggle breathing. I looked out the corner of my eyes watching him head for the door as I rose up silently through the pain, both hands wrapped around the thick as I moved behind him silently breathing through the pain, I lifted the log and with a full on swing.


His body thumped against the ground, blood appeared on the back of his head as I dropped the log to the floor. My hands trembling as I stared at him, my attention dragged back into reality as I heard banging down below continuing with screaming. They have someone else here. Normally I would have risked it and gone and looked but I didn't have the time, I bent down patting down Pauls jacket, finding a bunch of keys, I grabbed them getting up before returning for his wallet. If I could get away I could find some way into the nearest town or something. I looked around breathing and panting through the pain before opening the door.

No one, the entire upstairs floor was empty and I thanked every god I could, screaming still continuing I quietly tiptoed to the door, as another contraction started. A bigger one than the previous, my entire insides felt like they were exploding and stretching, my hands reached out as I grabbed the wall accidentally knocking off a frame, the sound of glass smashing filled my pounding eardrums as I bit down on my lips trying not to scream out in pain.

I struggled but continued to head down the hall, my eyes drifting across the kitchen as I took a pit stop. I know I didn't have long but the screaming and banging was continuing. I didn't know how long Paul was going to be out of it for. I pulled the drawers open in the kitchen searching for a knife or something before finding scissors. Something to cut the cord with when they came, I turned for the front door. My hand fell on the doorknob as I saw how bloody they both were, trembling and covered in thick fresh blood, It was a mix of Paul's and my blood, my eyes dropped between my legs as I saw more blood trickling out.

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