Chapter Fifteen - Thank God it's Christmas - Part Two

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Chapter Fifteen – Thank God it's Christmas – Part Two

Christmas Day

Christmas morning, the sound of silence...wrong, the house filled with Christmas music as the snow fell softly outside; the wind blew gently as i stared outside. Softly watching before hearing the room welcome with the sound of yelling.

"That's not how you cook the turkey!" Roger yelled

"Well, I'm fairly sure i know how to cook a turkey!" Anita muttered as i spun around on the swirling chair getting comfortable. Fight – round two.

"No we agreed no meat this year!" Brian's yelling followed

"No you ordered it and we chose to ignore" Roger snapped back

"Do you know how many innocent animals are killed just to satisfy your urges at Christmas" Brian snapped.

"Bri, darling I don't think animals can satisfy Roger" Freddie chuckled nudging me as i dug another scoop of ice cream from the tub sitting at watching.

"Ugh Freddie can you just mute your sexual nature for one second. This is serious" Brian muttered.

"Someones lacking a sexual nature..." Freddie chuckled "Poor Anita..." He continued

"Look as much as i love your comments Fred! I had a nut loaf out defrosting all night, where is it?" Everyone looked blankly at one another before looking over at me.

"What?" I mumble eating another spoonful "I haven't touched anything today, well except, toast, some biscuits, i ate some of the know Anita asked for tester. Uhh Pringles...chocolate...and some weird nutty thing that tasted like cardboard" I shrug

"Oh god Meg that was it!" Brian sighed

"No no no...this was in the fridge, half already eaten, nothing was out defrosting" I say standing up taking the packaging from the bin "See, i only ate a bit cause tasted worst today than it did last night"

"You ate it frozen? You can get sick!" Brian said concerned

"Well, my morning sickness hasn't exactly stopped yet so..." . I shrug as Roger puts his arm around me.

"Don't bully my wife!" Roger chuckle "Shes very delicate after last night"

"Well maybe if you hadn't of fucked her into next year she wouldn't have eaten half the fridge" brian mumbled before walking out the kitchen, all our eyes watching as he opened the door, Pauk Prenter standing in our doorway.

"Paul darling!" Freddie said happily "You made it" We all just stared at him. No one likes Paul, he was a lying, manipulative piece of shit who had Freddie wrapped right around his finger. Everyone could see it and he had been doing it since way before i came along Mary had told me, everyone could see it except Freddie that it is.

"Anything for you" His Irish, snaky voice made the pit of my stomach churn. The one person i hated the same amount as my parents.

"I suddenly feel like joining Brian" I say grabbing my coat pushing past Paul, Bri wrapped his scarf around me as Roger followed me outside.

"I hope she doesn't slip. Its awfully slippery. Wouldn't want to harm the babies now" Paul made a comment to Roger.

"Another comment like that and i throw you out the fucking window" Roger muttered pushing past him. We headed out into the snow as Roger and Brian both held each arm as we moved down the hill slightly.

"Who the fuck invited the prick" I mumble

"Fred I'm guessing" Brian said softly as he brushed off the snow from the bench before sitting me down on it.

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