The Fall

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She felt it before she heard the cries... the darkness that had over taken her Earth. Eden heard her brothers and sisters scrambling outside her door in a frenzy. She quickly got out of bed and got dressed. The angel Castiel came into her room in a panic. Which was a rarity for the usually stoic angel. "Cas what's wrong? Are you okay? What's going on?" She screamed so that she could be heard over the mayhem. "Lucifer stands trial for corrupting the humans! Our Father has sentenced him to death! Michael is preparing to carry out his punishment!" Castiel yelled, the fear and sadness evident in his usually calm voice. He went on to explain how Lucifer corrupted the humans. But she was only half listening. She was too fixated on one word that made Eden's heart stop... "death". Even Amara was only locked away for her treason. Why would her father kill him for merely testing the humans? This was obviously just the mark!

Eden grabbed Castiel's hand and flew to the center of the madness where Lucifer was bound. Michael stood with tears in his eyes as he prepared his lance to kill his beloved brother. All angels watched in horror some yelled to get it over with, some cried out, and some stood silently watching it unfold. At first no one noticed Eden until... "STOP!" Eden commanded in her (as Gabriel called it) scary God voice. Her eyes glowing a light blue with anger. All fell completely silent... not one angel dared to move. She walked towards Lucifer and all others moved out of the way. Once she finally reached him she fell on her knees and took his face in her hands wiping away tears that fell down his face. She whispered calmly, "I'll fix this... It's gonna be okay." She stood back up and turned to Michael, "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS, BROTHER!" Michael flinched at the sound of her anger. At the sight of this all her anger melted and she gingerly placed her hands on his shoulders. Michael is not who she was angry with he was just being obedient. " I'm sorry... what I meant was why is Lucifer being put to death?" She said more calmly. "He corrupted our fathers creation... he disobeyed." Michael said in his firm soldier voice. His voice was not angry but merely absolute and strong. Though Eden knew him better, she could feel his true pain. "I am fully aware of what he has done...that was not my question. I asked why our brother is being put to death, not what has he done to receive punishment." Michael tensed looking like a child being scolded. "Because father has commanded it." Michael said as if it had been said thousands of times before. It was then Lucifer spoke up, " I have done nothing but prove my suspicions correct! The humans are flawed abortions not worth us bowing down to! Father has made me a villain to distract from his flawed creation. HE'S NOT EVEN HERE TO WATCH ME DIE! I don't deserve death!" Tears once again falling down the archangel's face. Eden's heart broke at this, then she looked around and realized he truly wasn't there. Her father wasn't even there. Michael looked at Eden with such despair in his eyes, "I'm so sorry sister...but our fathers will must be done." Just then Rachael and a few lower class angels grabbed Eden holding her still.

Michael approached Lucifer with his lance as Eden cried out for him to stop. Michael stated loud enough for all to hear, "The Archangel Lucifer has been charged with treason and the corruption of humanity and is found guilty. By the command of our father the Lord you are hereby sentenced to death. Goodbye brother." As he raised his lance Eden broke free from her bondage and jumped to stop Michael. But she couldn't stop him in time...

Horror flooded Michael's face as the realization hit him the his lance was not imbedded in the chest of Lucifer... but Eden. She had jumped in front of her brother to save his life. The cry of pain and grief that erupted from every angel was heart wrenching. There had never been so many terrible emotions shown as there were in that moment the sound of despair was so strong it created a new species by mangling the souls in the surrounding heavens. The despair both God and all angels felt in that moment created Lilith the first demon. Michael and Lucifer both raced to grab their dying sister, desperate to save her. Before the could touch her she fell. All the way out of heaven she fell. Lucifer's once blue eyes turned blood red with anger and grief. God then sentenced Lucifer to be locked in a cage in a place he called Hell. All of heaven was heart broken. Thus the beginning of the end....

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