Anna? Do you hear Voices

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Dean's POV*

Sammy, Eden, and I were all at some bar. We were hustling pool for a little cash until sam stopped. RUBY sat over at the bar. "You gotta a lot of nerve showing up anywhere near here." I hissed. Eden was practically growling. I could tell she was trying to keep her eyes from glowing. She hated demons. "I just got some info then I'm gone." she was terrified. Ruby didn't know who Eden was but Eden was starting to get her juice back. Ruby could sense it. "Then say your piece and GO." Eden said in a low growl. I almost couldn't hear her. Damn I'm glad I'm on her side seeing the daggers she was staring at Ruby. I almost felt bad for the demon. Key word, almost. Ruby took a step back, "I'm hearing a few whispers, Girl name anna milton escaped a lock ward yesterday. Demons wanna find her." Ruby stuttered out. "Why who is she?" sam asked. " No idea, but I think she's important. Order is to capture her alive. You may wanna find her first." After a little arguing Sam convinced me to take the case. Eden was surprisingly quiet. It was a three day drive. Me and Dean argued the whole way. "you wanna tell me what the deal is with ruby?" I asked. "sure dean let's swap stories. How was hell don't spare the details." Eden flinched at Sam's mention of hell. "ENOUGH!" Eden said. It wasn't loud like a scream but it scared the living Hell outta me. "The case is real. Angel Radio is on fire about this girl. She can hear us speak. Human's shouldn't be able to do that. If the Demons find her Heaven and Earth are both uber boned" Uh Oh that's not good a chick that speaks angel.

We got to the hospital and Eden was right she knew all about the 66 seals and demons. We went to Anna's house and found her parents dead. Sulfur on the ground next to em. If I were religious, scared and had demons on my ass where would I go to feel safe? Church. That's where we found her. She had drawn it over and over again.

"Anna.. we're not gonna hurt you. I'm sam this is my brother dean and our friend Eden." Sam said. She was still hiding, "sam? not sam winchester..." she asked timidly. How the Hell does she know our names? "Oh my God the angels talk about you. Dean, You were in hell but Castiel pulled you out. You can help save us. and some of them don't like you sam at all. I over hear the angels when they talk. I hear them in my head" she said just as timidly and shaky as before." "When did you first start hearing angels." "september... I remember the first thing I heard clear as a bell...Dean Winchester is saved." Both Sammy and I looked at Eden for confirmation. "she's right... first thing I heard after Cas saved us." Eden confirmed. "The demons want ya because they get you they know all about the other side. your 1-900-Angel." I said with a chuckle trying to lighten the mood. Anna and Eden chuckled at my dumb joke. Anna asked about her parents but we didn't have time to answer. Ruby came storming in and Anna freaked out about Ruby's face. She started raving about us having to leave because some demon was coming... I didn't buy it. Until the statue of mother Mary's eyes started to bleed. We hid Anna and in fame some demon... Sam couldn't exorcize him. The demon threw Sam across the room and took me to the ground. He said I should know him. I know HIM!!! "Alastair" I murmured. Sam tried Ruby's knife but nothing happened. We knew Alastair would kick our ass' we needed a plan fast. Eden stepped away from where she was protecting Anna and stood up to Alastair. Her eyes glowed the familiar neon blue and and she stood up straight. Alastair tried to attack but even with his demon speed he was too slow. He didn't get one hit on her. Then with one hard punch she threw Alastair across the room. The hit was so intense it shattered the glass of the stain glass window. Ruby had gotten Anna out so, Me and Sammy decided to make a run for it. We jumped out the newly broken window and took of towards the car leaving Eden. About five minutes later Eden appeared in the back seat of baby. She looked fine bu t exhausted. "Jeez thanks for the help fellas couldn't have done it without ya." Both me and Sam rolled our eyes at Eden. We were pretty beaten up too. She leaned forwards and a light came from her hands as she healed us. "Where's Anna?" Eden asked looking way more tired than before. "Ruby's got her I'm sure she'll be okay"  sam said. Ugh Ruby again... what's the deal.

Time skip***

Anna was safe in some cabin. We had to tell her about her parents. Eden did it she cried on Eden's shoulder for a while until she freaked out more. "They're coming" Anna panicked. We put her in the back room with ruby. Angels... crap. "Castiel...Uriel." Eden whispered. Ruby's eyes turned black like the first time she met Eden. "Please tell me your here to help we've been having demon problems all day." I said. Uriel frowned at ruby. "I can see that. Want to explain to me why you have this stain in the room" Uriel sneered. "We are here for Anna" Castiel said in his usual mr Roboto voice. "Are you gonna help her?" Eden asked hopefully. "No" Castiel deadpanned "She has to die". "Woah I know she's wired into you angel chats but that's no reason to gank her" I tried to reason "Your some heartless sons of bitches you know that?" Castiel looked down almost in shame "as a matter of fact we are.... and?" Castiel said with no emotion. You could almost hear Eden's heart break. "You would kill an innocent girl?" Eden asked in horror. "She is far from innocent" Castiel replied to her. "What's that supposed to mean?" Sam questioned. "It means she's worse than this abomination you've been screwing" Uriel said looking at Ruby. "Now give us the girl" Eden Sam and I shared a look. "Sorry get yourself another one.. try j-date" I said. Uriel got pissed and threw ruby and was ready to smite her. Castiel put sam to sleep. (Underlined is in enochian) "Brother please what has this girl done." Eden said. I didn't understand I was too busy trying to survive Uriel. "How do you know my language and why call me brother... you are not angel but you are not human monster or demon... what are you?" Castiel spoke stopping in his tracks. This seemed to get Uriel's attention. Eden smiled softly and put a hand on Castiel's face. Just then a bright light started to flicker and Eden looked panicked. Castiel and Uriel both screamed and were flung out of the building. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? "Anna!!!" Eden yelled racing to the girl. Anna had drawn something on the wall in blood. "What the hell is that" I said looking at Eden. "Angel banishing symbol. Doesn't kill them just sends them away." She answered while she healed Anna's arm. How did Anna know how to do that???

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