Anna the Angel? (Part 2)

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Deans POV*

"So castiel? Uriel? They're the ones that came for me?" Anna said standing close to Eden again "You know them?" Sam asked. Eden let out a small giggle that no one but me heard. "We were kind of in the same fox hole" Anna answered with a small smile on her face. "So what they were like your bosses or something?" I asked. Eden full out laughed at that. "Try the other way around" Eden replied. "Now they want to kill you?" Pamela asked. Eden's smile immediately dropped. A look of horror replaced it. I had never seen that on her before. Even in Hell she smiled through all the torture. I knew her story. I knew she sacrificed herself to save her brother. Even if he is the devil, I get it. Hell i did the same for Sammy. Eden would talk for hours about how she shouldn't have had to save him. "It's murder...It's not a punishment when you screw up."Eden would say during our late night chats."Orders are orders I'm sure I have a death sentence on my head" Anna said snapping me back to reality. Eden was stiff she didn't like this at all. "Why" Pamela asked. "I disobeyed... which for us is about the worst thing you can do...I fell." Anna explained. "meaning?" I asked. "She fell to earth... became human." Eden softly and sadly explained. I could tell this was breaking her heart. "Wait man I don't understand. So angels can just become human?" Sam asked. "It hurts... Try cutting your kidney out with a butter knife. That would kinda hurt... I ripped out my grace" Eden stood up from where she was leaning on the table next to Anna. "I need some air." Eden whispered on her way out the door. Not looking back she walked out. I wanted to go after her but we had to finish this. "Come again?" I asked trying to distract myself from going after Eden. Anna wasn't as confident now without Eden next to her. She was more anxious. "My grace. Its energy." Anna explained. "I hacked it out and fell." she said and shrugged her shoulders." So you just forgot you were God's little power angel." I asked. "The older I got. The longer I was human...yeah" Anna answered. Ruby spoke up now. I kinda forgot she was there. "I don't think you appreciate how completely screwed we are." She was panicking which both scared me and kinda made me happy at the same time. Man I hate that demon bitch. "She's right heaven wants me dead" Anna said. "And hell just wants her. A flesh and blood angel that you can question, torture, that bleeds. Sister your the stanley cup and sooner or later. Heaven or hell they're gonna find you" Ruby ranted. "I know.. and thats why I'm gonna get it back" Anna said. "What" sam said confused. "My grace" she answered "You can do that?" I asked. "If I can find it..I lost track of it. I was falling about 10,000 miles per hour at the time." Anna explained. "Wait you mean falling. literally?" Sam asked. She nodded her head in confirmation. "Like the way a human eye can see? like maybe a comet or meteor?" Sam asked. "Yes...Why do you ask?" Anna said.

Apparently in March of 85 there were two meteorites. One was Anna the other was her grace. I went to find Eden and Anna. I found Eden by a broken car in bobby's yard. "Pamela get home okay?" She asked not even bothering to look at me. "Yeah. She says she's sorry this is just a little rich for her blood." I answered. "I don't blame her." She said "You guys should do the same" she finally turned around to look at me. Her beautiful face so full of sadness. It broke my heart."I'll take anna and go. You and Sam don't need to be put in harm's way anymore than you already have." she said. "Sorry we ain't that smart." I replied. "Can I ask you something?" I continued. She nodded her head. "what do they want me for? I get Anna but why me?" She look at me sadly but then smiled. "I'll tell you all about it when your older." I chuckled at her response and brought her in for a hug. She hugged me just as tightly. I finally let go when sam coughed to interrupt us. "You find something?" I asked. "I think so" Sam responded smiling at us. "I'll go find Anna." Eden said. Looks like we are headed to kentucky. I laughed in the car. As Eden Anna and Ruby sat confused in the back seat. "What?" Ruby asked. "Nothing...It's just an Angel a Demon and a Goddess riding in the back seat. It's like the set up to a bad joke. Or a penthouse forum letter." Eden laughed at that. which caused Sam and Anna to laugh too. "Dude reality. Porn. learn the difference." Sam said. "You call this reality?"

It wasn't where we though. Someone had taken it. "The angels are speaking again" we all perked up at this. "It's a loop. Dean Winchester gives up Anna by Midnight or we hurl him back to damnation." Anna said. Edens eyes glowed. "LIKE HELL!" She was pissed. "I got an Idea" She said.


So far Eden's plan was working. The angels were here. "Hello Anna. It's good to see you" Castiel said. We pretended to not know how they found us. Looked defeated. Then "Don't you touch a hair on that poor girls head" the Alastair said. The Demons are here. Part 2 of operation save Anna was working. Please work please work. "How dare you come in this room... you puss sore." Uriel stepped up. "Name calling? That hurt my feelings. You sanctimonious fanatical prick" Alastair said getting in his face. "Turn around and walk away...Now" Castiel said. "Sure just give us the girl" Alastair dead eyed him. Ohmygod its working. "you know who we are and what we will do. I won't say it again...Leave Now. Or be laid waste " Castiel growled. "I think I'll take my chances" Alistair hissed. Eden moved us farther out of the way. And It began they fought. Alastair was about to kill castiel when Eden stepped in. She kicked him so hard he flew across the room and went through a post. During the fight Anna got her grace from around Uriel's neck and shattered the glass. "COVER YOUR EYES!!!" Eden yelled. We did. The blast of pure holy energy shook the building. And when we opened our eyes Anna was gone. 

The demons were gone and the Angels left too. It worked. Eden should make all the plans. I told Sam about Hell. It was hard but I told him. Eden held my hand the whole time. It's gonna be okay. It's gonna get better.

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