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Edens POV*

 We were on a hunt. Sam, Dean, and I walked into some comic book store. We were wearing our "monkey suits" as dean likes to call them. I was wearing:

I didn't like it

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

I didn't like it...Anyways. we walked in and everyone stared at us. "Can I help you?" The guy at the front desk asked. "Sure hope so. Agents Deyoung, Hendrix, and Shaw." Dean said. We all held up our fake badges. "We'd like to ask you a few questions." I said. He just stared at me. Human men are super weird about that. "Notice anything weird in the building the last couple of days. Flickering lights? scratching in the walls? sounds a bit like rats. cold spots?" Sam questioned. "I KNEW IT! you guys are LARPing!" He yelled. What  the hell is LARPing? "Come again?" Dean asked. "your fans" the guy said. "Fans of what" "What is LARPing" "Someone slip a mickey in your smoothie kid?" We rattled of questions but he just smiled at us. "like you don't know...Live Action Role Playing. and pretty hard core too" the guy smiled. "Sorry I have no idea what you're talking about." i said. "Your asking like the place is haunted. Like those guys from the books. what is it... Supernatural. Two guys and their goddess best friend use fake ids with rock names hunt down ghost demons vampires... what are their names Sal and dirk? Steve and dane?" we were horrified. "Sam and Dean?" I asked. "Your saying this is a book?!?" "bookS it was a series. here we have them over here" he handed us a book. "Supernatural by Carver Edlund" WHAT THE HELL??? "We're gonna need all the copies of supernatural you got..." Sam said. 

Back at motel*

 We were reading all the books. "This is freaking insane how does this guy know all this stuff?" Dean looked at me. "You got me..." I replied "It has everything in here from the racist truck to me having sex...I'm full frontal in here! How come we haven't heard of him before?" Dean said rolling off the bed. "well bright side you and sam are hot" I smirked showing them one of the sexy book covers. Dean gave me a bitch face before he took the book away from me. "It's pretty obscure but there are a lot of fans." Dean took the computer. "lets see there are Sam girls, dean girls, Edean shippers (Eden and Dean), Saden Shippers (Sam and Eden), and slashers...What the hell is a slasher?" Dean asked. Sam looked up, "Sam slash Dean...Together" Dean looked horrified. "like....together together?." Sam nodded his head. "They do know we are brothers right?!?" Dean asked. "Doesn't matter" Sam said. "Aw common that is just sick" Dean wined. I fell on the floor laughing. Tears streamed down my face I was laughing so hard. Once I settled down I grabbed Sam's computer. "What are you doing?" Dean asked. "I'm ordering a slasher tee shirt!" I said laughing again. He grabbed the computer so fast I thought he would break it. I continued to laugh. "You think there's any Slasher fanfic?" I couldn't stop laughing. "Whatever lets just find this Carver Edlund and figure out how he knows all this crap." Dean hissed at me. which made me laugh more than I was If that was even possible. 

A few hours later we were at the publitures office talking to the lady. "These books never got the credit they deserved." she said. "well we're hoping our article can shed some light on an underappreciated series." Sam smiled."Yeah then maybe we could start publiting again." the lady excitedly said. "no no no no God no. I mean why would you do that... I mean it ends so perfectly with dean going to hell and eden and all that" Dean said. "That was one of my favorites... dean was so strong and sam, ugh... the best parts are when they cry." She started crying and we were all super uncomfortable. "If only real men were so open and in touch with their feelings." She cried. "real men?" Dean asked. I was trying not to laugh but this whole situation was hilarious. "No offence but how often do you cry like that?" She asked. "Well right now I'm crying on the inside" Dean said. "Was that supposed to be funny?" She hissed. "Lady this whole thing is funny" he laughed. "How do I know your legit?" "We are big fans" I said. she then started rambling off questions. We passed. "Okay what do you wanna know?" she smiled. "What is Carver Edlunds real name?" Sam asked. "Oh no I can't he's very private."She stumbled. I reached over to sams shirt and pulled the collar down far enough to see the anti-possession tattoos. I then walked over and did the same to dean. "Like we said we are big fans" She smile. and turned around and pulled her pants down. "I got one too" I looked away and so did sam. "wow you are a fan" Dean huffed. I smacked his chest. "Okay his name is Chuck Shurley. and he's a genius so don't piss him off" She smiled.

We were outside of Chuck shurley's house. We scared the holy hell outta the poor guy. He finally believed us when they said their last name and I made my eyes glow. "Well there is obviously only one explanation... I'm a god" Chuck said. "your not a god" I said. "how else do you explain it? I write things and they come to life. yup i'm definitely a god a cruel cruel capricious god...the things i put you through. the physical beatings alone. I killed your father I burned your mother alive and then jessica... all for what all for the sake of literary symmetry. I toyed with you for entertainment" Chuck ranted. "you didn't toy with us chuck. you didn't create it."Dean said "your not a god you're probably just psychic" Sam said. "Maybe he's not..." I said. Dean looked up at me. "what do you mean" He asked "Maybe he's a prophet....  I don't know the names of all the prophets be castiel does." We called but cas wasn't answering. "I'll bet you five bucks I'm right and chuck is  a prophet" I whispered to dean. He smiled at me "Your on." and we shook hand on it.

Next day we were at chuck's house. He had written a new chapter. "you especially dean aren't gonna like this." chuck said. "I didn't like hell..." Dean replied. "Its lilith, she's coming for sam." "When?" Sam asked. "tonight."

"She's just gonna show up here?"

"Ugh...Lilith patted the be seductively. unable to deny his desire sam succumbed and they sank into the throws of fiery demonic passion."

Sam:"Haha you're kidding me right?"

Dean:"You think this is funny?"

Sam:"you don't? I mean come on... fiery demonic passion?"

Chuck:"It's just a first draft"

Eden:"Wait lilith is a little girl."

Chuck:"no this time she is a comely dental hygienist "

Dean:"great so what happens after"

Chuck:"I don't know it hasn't come yet"

Sam:"Dean you can't seriously believe..."

Dean:"Humor me!!! let's just-"

Chuck cut him off by holding up the manuscript. "You knew I was-" Dean started but once again got cut of by chuck. "Yup".

We were back in the car reading through the manuscript. So far he's been right so we decided to get outta town. But the bridge was out. Looks like we're spending the night in town. We were playing opposite day but so far it ain't working great. We are doing everything we can to make this not happen. but every time we tried it just brought us to the exact outcome we were trying to avoid. Dean got hit by a van so I had to leave sam by himself. Dean went on a rampage and went to chuck's house to interrogate him. Deans anger escalated and Castiel showed up. "Dean let him go! this man is to be protected. " Castiel said. "Haha so I was right?!" I smiled victoriously. "Say the magic words little Cassie!" "He is a prophet of the Lord" Castiel announced. I smiled and held out my hand. Dean dug in his pocket and pulled out a five dollar bill grumbling something about cheating and handed it to me. Chuck had a melt down after that. "Him really?" dean asked. "You should of seen Luke" Castiel said. I chuckled remembering luke... man that guy was a mess. "How do we stop this Sam Lilith thing?" Dean asked. "What the prophet has written cannot be unwritten. It will come to pass." Castiel informed us. 

Crap. Everything. I. Mean. Everything. Has. Come. To. Pass. I can't demolish lilith without drawing attention to myself and there is still too much to do for anyone to know I'm alive yet. I came up with a plan but we needed chuck. Prophets are protected by archangels since I can't liquify lilith i'll leave it to one of my brothers.. Eventually we convinced chuck to help. All we have to do is get him in the same room as lilith and she is toast. When we got back to the hotel sam was already getting frisky with Lilith. Chuck came into the room and screamed, "I am the prophet  Chuck!" The room started to shake. "You got about ten seconds before this room is full of wrath and your just a piece of charcoal Sure you wanna tangle with that?" Dean screamed at lilith. She bailed pretty fast after that.

We got chuck home safe and we are once again on the road. I begun to think in that car ride. Why am I helping to stop them from freeing Luci. I want him free. I want my family together again. I could just as easily help lilith. Reveal myself to everyone and forgive my brother. I could free him. reconcile with my brothers and sisters and sit on the throne for all of eternity. So why am I doing all of this?  Then I looked into the front seat... Them. I am loyal to humanity. The only way they survive and live a happy existence is these winchesters. If I reveal myself to my family...If I free my brother... If I do anything too soon the humans will suffer. I have seen the different outcomes. This is the only way. So I shall wait and fight alongside the winchesters. I will not be selfish. I will wait. And then I will restore my garden. My humans. My brothers and sisters. My home. but for now I will follow these boys. I will sit in the backseat of their impala until my time. I am not the hero of this story. I am merely the weapon. We will carry on. because they'll be peace when we're done.

Chuck's Daughterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें