Getting to know you

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Dean's POV

We got back to Bobby's and Bobby thought it was a good idea to question Eden to see if we can trust her. From our time in Hell I already know that I'd trust her with my life. But I can't say that because I'm not supposed to remember Hell. So after some argument I agreed to let them question Eden. "First question... do you know Castiel?" Bobby asked. I looked at Eden she seemed quite comfortable and ready to answer any questions we had truthfully. "Yes I have for a very very long time." She smiled. "How do you know this guy?" Sam jumped in. "He is my brother...of course he doesn't know that he and all other angels think I'm dead... and for the time being I'd like to keep it that way." She said as if it was totally obvious. I was stunned... Eden was that douche's sister?!?!

After almost three hours of questioning we had Eden's entire life story and she had our complete trust. She was a goddess the first creation she was betrayed by her brothers and thought dead when in reality she was being tortured in the pits of Hell... damn this chick is hot. She seemed to make quick friends with Sam and Bobby. "Can we trust your brothers?" Sam asked Eden as he handed out beer. "Honestly I do not know. Before the fall I would have said absolutely but now.... I don't know my brothers and sisters. They are complete strangers to me." she answered with complete honesty. If they would hurt her the way they have im gonna say no... I don't trust them. "Listen, can we continue this over a meal? I haven't eaten in a few millennia..." Eden asked. We all chuckled at her question. " Yeah sure sweetheart. How do ya feel about burgers." Bobby asked through a smirk. She looked very confused "I've never heard of them...but I'm so hungry I would eat anything." we laughed again and Bobby ran out for some burgers. 

"Okay Eden." Sam continued with his questioning, "Do you have powers?" It was a fair question. "well yes... I used to be almost as powerful as God. But my power comes from heaven and I was separated from heaven for the longest time. So I was powerless or at least weak for the longest time. That's why when we finally got out of hell I was unconscious I had to repower-up in a sense." That made sense I guess. "So your the goddess of creation right?" I asked. She nodded in confirmation. "Then did you create... well everything?" she laughed. "No not really... my father created everything, I was just... the tool he used to create. Like a battery." I nodded in understanding but when I looked over at Sam he looked confused. "What's wrong college boy... it's not hard to understand." I laughed out. Sam gave me his bitch face before turning his attention back to Eden. "It's not that... It's just... how do you know what a battery is? you've been in hell sense the beginning of time" she smiled, "I still heard every prayer." she looked up and her eyes were glowing an electric blue. "Even if I wasn't on earth I kept connections with my humans. I heard every war, every plague, every disaster. I saw it all. I may not know Heaven or Hell anymore but I know earth. I know my humans. I will one day return to my family. I will reunite Heaven, Hell, and Earth and on that day there will be peace." Damn... I just wanted to know how she knew what a battery was... This girl could actually make a difference. She can stop all the death. Stop everything that goes bump in the night. It must have been terrible to hear all this crap and not be able to help. "Who's hungry!" Bobby shouts breaking the tension created by Eden's declaration."Let's EAT!"

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