The Walking Croatoan

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Eden's POV*
Me and dean hoped out of the impala and passed a evangelist handing out flyers. "Excuse me friend but have you taken time to think about God's plan for you." The man asked Dean. Dean stopped and turned around "too freakin much pal." He said before walking into the motel lobby. "One room please." I said to the front desk lady. "King size bed or two queens?" The lady asked smiling "We'll take the king" dean responded. "May I just say you to make an adorable couple" she smiled. "Oh we're not.....thanks. Have a good night" I responded taking my key from her.
We got into our room and I took a shower while dean called Cas. When I got I only heard the tail end of their conversation "this isn't funny dean the voice says I'm almost out of minutes" Cas said over the phone. "Alright man I'm telling you cas the mooks have melted down the gun by now" oh the colt. "Well that's not what I heard and if it's true and your still on this insane task of killing the devil. This is how we do it." They aren't killing Lucifer I won't let them. "Okay where do we start?" "Where are you at?" "Me and Eddie are in Kansas City century hotel room 113" oh dean do you not know my brother at all why would you tell him that. "Ok I'll be there immediately." "Woah woah woah no no common man I just need to sleep eat I'm human man we just need four hours alright? Okay so just pop in tomorrow morning" dean said before hanging up. I have no doubt my brother will just stand awkwardly where he was and wait till morning to wake us up. Oh my dad he's a weirdo. I love him though.
Dean took of his shoes and slipped under the covers. I turned off the light. Dean held up the covers so I could get in. The second I layer down he pulled me in close and wrapped an arm around my waist. We were about to fall asleep when Dean's phone buzzed. No rest for the weary I guess. He answered, "listen Cas we need sleep" he growled voice rough with sleep. "Dean it's me." Sam responded. "Sam? It's past 4"
Dean got up and talked to sam. He grabbed a beer for himself and me. "So you're his vessel huh?" Dean asked sam. Sam is Lucifer's vessel just like dean is Michael's. They fought. Sam wanted back in Dean wouldn't allow it. This can't go on for much longer. They aren't weaker apart.... I know that better than anyone. "Bye sam" dean hung up. He looked out the window and I walked over to hug him from behind. "Do you-" I was cut off by dean "nah Eddie I don't wanna talk about it. Common Cas will be here in a few hours let's get some sleep. He turned around and put his arm around my shoulder and walked to bed. I nodded and we fell asleep.

We woke up on bed springs. No mattress. What the hell??? Dean and I were both still in our pajamas we got up to grab new clothes but they were gone. Great looks like I'm wearing dean's shirt and some short shorts out today. We looked out the window and the place way a disaster. "What the hell?" Dean said. "My thoughts exactly Dean-o" "okay first things first...clothes.... for me. You can stay like that all day." He smirked at me. "Not the time" I gave him a look. I snapped my fingers and I was in my regular clothes:

 I snapped my fingers and I was in my regular clothes:

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"I like the other look better." I stuck my tongue out at him. "Well now I'm not helping you p. You live in boxers and a tee shirt. I hope it was worth it" I smiled at him I started to walk away but dean ran up and grabbed my waist to stop me. "No no I'm sorry I'm sorry! I was just kidding. Please oh great Goddess bless me with pants on this holy day." he bowed sarcastically. "Are you mocking me I feel mocked. You enjoy walking around in boxers." I smiled and patted his cheek. He held on tighter. "ALRIGHT Im sorry! now can you david blaine me some pants please" He whined. I smiled and snapped my fingers. He now had pink barbie pants. He gave me the most deadly look. After i stopped laughing I snapped my fingers again and He was in his regular pants. "Thank you" He mumbled. 

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