Yellow Fever

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Sam POV*

We are in Rock Ridge, Colorado. We're investigating the death of Frank O'brien. He was 44 years old and a marathon runner. This was no heart attack. Same as two other guys. Dean, Eden, and I made him do an autopsy. He ripped out the heart and Dean looked like he was about to throw up. Eden just looked sad, she really hates death. The guy handed dean the heart and both Eden and I couldn't help but chuckle at his discomfort. Until I got sprayed in the face with blood. Eden couldn't stop laughing, tears filled her eyes with amusement.

We drove to the sheriff's station and were sat in the waiting room. The deputy behind the counter kept looking up and smiling at Eden. She smiled back politely. Dean look ready to rip the poor kid's head off. there is no way he doesn't have a crush on Eden. Dean will NEVER admit it but he likes her.

The sheriff finally came out and reprimanded the kid for keeping us waiting. He invited us back and made us take our shoes off. We talked about the case...turns out him and the victim were friends. He was looking at Eden the same way the deputy had. smirking at her every time they made eye contact. Turns out Frank was being super paranoid. Something scared him to death.

We went to see his neighbor and Dean seemed on edge. "What the Hell is wrong with Dean?" I asked Eden. "How should I know maybe he's catching something" We figured out Frank was a real dick and he WAS married. She apparently died. Suicide.

Dean drove super slow and wouldn't make a left hand turn. EMF was going nuts. "Dean are you haunted?" Eden asked with big eyes. Dean panicked "AM I HAUNTED?" the next day he developed the scratches. Bobby figured out it was ghost sickness. "I don't even know what that is" Dean said. "Basically you get scared, then really scared, then terrified, then you heart gives out." Eden said with both remorse and panic. "Frank was patient zero. He infected the other victims." I explained. "and Dean got it from his corpse?" Eden attempted to clarify. "right" "so now what i got forty-eight hours till i go insane and my heart stops?" Dean begun to panic again. "more like twenty-four" "great well why me why not you you got hit with the spleen juice?" Oh he is going to hate this part. "Ya we have a theory about that turns out all three victims had a similar personality type. Basically they were all dicks who used fear as a weapon." I explained. "I don't scare people." Dean responded. "Dean all you do is scare people" Eden explained. " Okay well then Sam's a dick too" Dean said. Eden smirked at him, "Apparently not." Dean sent her a bitch face then continued. "Whatever how do we stop it." "We gank the ghost that started all this we do that the disease should clear up."

At first we thought franks wife. But that was bust. Dean was starting to get worse so I left Eden with him to babysit and went out to do research.

When i came back dean had broken the clock. He choked up a wood chip "HE IS THE BIGGEST CLUE WE HAVE." I said to Eden. "You know I could probably use dean to find the ghost!" both dean and I looked confused. "How?" we asked in unison. "goddess remember...I may be weak but I can still find a ghost." Oh ya I forget that sometimes she seems so normal and easy to talk to. "What are we waiting for... Who is haunting my ass.?!?!" Her eyes glowed an electric blue. The lights in the room flickered and Dean started to get nervous. Her eyes went back to her normal blue. She stumbled and looked like Hell. She stumbled over to the desk and wrote down an address. "That's where it is... It's not the wife it's some guy" we smiled at her and told her to sit down. "Thanks sweetheart why don't you sit this one out. We'll figure something out." she gave Dean a small smile and a little nod. They maintained eye contact until I cleared my throat. 

After Bobby and I scared the ghost to death Dean was completely healed I wonder what he saw? "Hey dean you okay this line of work can get awful scary." Bobby mocked. "IM FINE. what you wanna go hunt? I'll hunt. I'll kill anything!" Dean said defensively. Both me and Eden "awww"ed "He's adorable" Bobby mocked again. "I gotta get outta here y'all drive safe" We thanked bobby and waved goodbye. "So what did you see towards the end I mean?" I asked Dean. He and Eden shared a knowing look. I had noticed bruises in the shape of fingers on Eden's arm when we got back to the hotel. They were all healed not but whatever dean saw scared the hell out of him. He hesitated for a moment before saying, "Howler monkeys, whole room full of them. Those things creep the hell outta me... Nothing I couldn't handle sammy." Eden gave him a knowing look but decided to drop it. We went back to the hotel packed and were on the road within the hour.

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