Who the hell is castiel?

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Dean's POV*
The psychic started to conjure up whoever pulled be outta the fire. The second she started the girl from Hell started to wake up. The psychic continued... then she said it's name "Castiel". The second the name left her lips the girl shot up and screamed, "NO DON'T LOOK AT HIM!" The psychic ignore both her and Castiel's warning and and looked deeper until she saw him...the second she layer eyes on him she let out a deafening scream as her eyeballs burnt straight out of her head. While the others tried to help the psychic Pamela I raced over to my bunk mate from Hell. When I got to her she was once again out cold.

A few hours later*

Bobby and I had set a trap... I decided to bring along the girl, because even if she was unconscious she apparently knew something about this Castiel. We set up shop in a barn outside the city. We started summoning the thing and nothing happened. We waited for what felt like an eternity until finally the wind picked up, the roof sounded like it was about to fly away. Bobby and me got ready fight when the girl started to move again. The barn doors flung open to reveal... an accountant? We shot him and...nothin'. "Who are you" I said ready to fight. "I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition." Than I stabbed him with the demon knife and... nothing. He knocked Bobby out just by touchin' him. "We need to talk dean...alone" he said with no emotion.
"Your friend is alive"
"Who are you"
"Ya I figured that much I mean what are you?"
He paused and look up from where he was staring at the girl. "I am an angel of the Lord". There was no such thing " this is your problem dean you have no faith" he said right before two shadow of enormous wings were on the wall behind him. What the hell? I found out he was possessing some poor bastard.
"And why would an angel rescue me from Hell?"
"Good things do happen dean"
"Not in my experience"
He took a step closer and squinted in confusion, "what's the matter you don't think you deserve to be saved?"
"Why did you do it ?"
"Because God commanded it... because we have work for you" he said take inn one step back he then turned and looked at the girl and tilted his head. He walked over to her and placed two fingers on her head. She shot up like she was on fire and looked around.

Castiel's POV*
(Everything underlined is being said in Enochian)
There was something oddly familiar about the girl Dean demanded I save. My mission was to get Dean out of Hell quickly with no distractions but he wouldn't leave without the girl. I knew she wasn't human, monster, or demon... she had something resembling grace but she was also no angel. I touched her to find out what was wrong with her. She woke up and began to speak but not English... she spoke in the language of angels. "Hello Castiel it's been a very very long time... I've missed you... thank you for saving me by the way" Dean was completely confused as was I. "What are you and how do I know you" I asked calmly. She ignored my question and turned to Dean and smile, "hello dean..." Dean raced over and grabbed the girl away from me holding her close, I assume to protect her from me. "Hey sweetheart..." Dean whispered to the girl. I began to leave, "we will see you soon dean" I said as I began to walk out. I heard the girl say one more thing to me "I will see you soon and then your questions will be answered. Goodbye brother."

Eden's POV *

After Castiel left Dean was still holding me close. I made eye contact and for the first time I saw his face, not just his soul. His soul was by far one of the brightest I had ever seen so I expected him to have impressive looks. His vessel was gorgeous. He had beautiful green eyes and perfect chiseled features. I was in awe of him. "How ya feelin' sweetheart" dean broke my train of thought. He was smiling down at me with true concern in his eyes. He looked tired, like his world was just turned upside down. "Better than you I think. You look like crap." My unexpected crack at humor sent dean into a frenzy of laughter. I smiled and laughed along with him. When the laughter finally subsided dean smirked saying, "Hey I look pretty damn good for a dead guy." He shot back sending us into another fit of laughter. "You know I never even got your name" dean said letting me go a little in order to give some personal space. "Your right we never did get a proper introduction..." I comically stuck out my hand to shake dean's, "hi my name is Eden what's your" he smiled at my childishness but played along, "nice to meet you Eden. I'm dean" and thus the start of a beautiful relationship.

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