Hello Michael

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I left Gabriel after about an hour. I told him everything and he told me everything I had missed while I was in Hell. He's was very hesitant to split up again. But I  needed to speak to Michael...Alone. To say I was nervous to see my brother again was a gross understatement. Absolutely terrified seemed more fitting. Why was I so scared? what if he hated me? I mean it is because of me all this happened. I left. Not willingly but still, I wasn't there for him. I left him to rule. I left him to kick our brother. I wasn't there for him. Maybe he resents me for it. I am the reason father left. I am the reason there is a rift between Michael and Lucifer. He must hate me. I wouldn't blame him. I abandoned him. I was so scared... I couldn't bare looking into my sweet brother's eyes and seeing hate and contempt held especially for me. I couldn't. But this isn't about me it would be selfish to not face my brother out of fear. I had to stop this war. I had to. I said my goodbyes to Gabriel. "We will see each other very soon Gabe." I kissed his forehead and flew away. 

I was on some mountain. Everest, I believe the humans call it. The snow whipped around like bullets. I held up my hand and it stopped moving completely. The white crystals stood still mid air. The wind had stopped completely. This is a good place. It's as close as I can get to home without leaving earth. No humans to interrupt.  It's perfect. I folded my hands. It was silly but I always did it when I prayed. The humans began to mimic me before the fall. Folding their hands as they prayed. It was time. I took a deep breath. this was it. What if he didn't come? No i couldn't think like that. I closed my eyes and whispered. "Michael, it's me... We have much to discuss. I'm here... I'll wait. I'll be here whenever you ready."  I opened my eyes and there he stood.... No more then ten feet away stood Michael.

He stood strong amongst the snow. Like a soldier his posture was perfect his fist clenched. He must hate me. That's what I thought until I looked at his face. His eyes were soft and filled with tears. His mouth moved like he was trying desperately to find the words but he had forgotten how to speak. He looked utterly broken. Like he held the world on his shoulders and was being crushed under the weight. He was never meant to bare that burden. It was mine and mine alone. He looked as scared as me. I knew just then He didn't hate me at all. He was broken. He missed me. He was guilty...He thinks it's his fault. "I am so sorry brother." I cried. Tears ran down my face. Tears fell from his eyes as well, he was trying so hard to stay strong. "What could you possibly be sorry for Eden?" He laughed sadly.  Tears still falling down his face. "It's my fault ...its all my fault." I cried more to myself then him. I bowed my head in shame. I didn't deserve to be in the presence of my noble brother. He did everything right, He stayed. I didn't deserve to ask him to stop the war. Sobs shook my body. I felt a calloused hand lift my jaw so I was making eye contact with Michael. He looked at me with a sad smile, "I killed you...Started a war. Destroyed what you loved and locked our brother in hell.... and YOU apologize?" He morbidly laughed to himself. He hugged me close and stuck his face in my neck. He hugged me so tight I thought I would brake. "I've missed you....So much..." He breathed into my ear. It was the first time his voice wasn't strong like stone. For the first time it shook with emotion. Michael was always strong. I may be older, but Michael will always be my big brother. My protector. Seeing him so broken, it broke my heart into a thousand pieces. "I missed you too... you have no idea how much I've missed you." I cried. Michael released me from his death grip and took a slight step back.

"Why now? You let me believe you were dead... you let me mourn you. I prayed to father EVERYDAY. and you were alive. You never came home. Never prayed. Nothing... I know I betrayed you...I hurt you. But why now?" His voice shook even more now. "Michael... I was NEVER angry at you. I forgave you the second it happened. It wasn't your fault... it was never your fault. That day... I fell. Creatures called demons found me and dragged me to Hell. They cept me there, they tortured me. Until a few weeks ago... I did pray. Every day. I was never angry at you. I never deserted you Michael. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you...I did want to see you Michael. But that's not the only reason I'm here. I have something to ask of you" He jumped at the opportunity to redeem himself. Not that he needed to. "Anything! ask and It's yours!" Michael smiled. 

"Stop...All I ask is that you stop... Stop the war, stop the killing, stop the division, stop the apocalypse.... That is all I ask... Please just stop." He lowered his head. I felt him pull away. "I'm sorry sister... I cannot do that." He looked up at me sadly yet determined. He didn't want this I could tell. But he also wasn't going to stop until his "destiny" was complete. "Why not Michael? Why not end this?" I asked tears falling down my face once more. The tears mixed with the cold on top  of the mountain felt freezing against my skin but I didn't care. "No don't cry. Please don't cry.... Alright, I will make you a promise... I will not initiate the fight. I will not start anything. It is up to Lucifer whether or not he repents. But if he continues this rampage. If he acts against Heaven I will have no choice but to strike. This I swear to you Eden." His face was serious. I believed his promise. He reached his thumb up to wipe my tears away. "Thank you Michael...That is all I ask." I smiled at him. This was a good start. This was the first step into putting my family back together. "I must go now Michael." The hint of smile vanished and he looked mortified. "No! you are safe now! You can come home! we can be a family again! just like before!" I smiled at my brother. My sweet strong brother. "There is no going back to the way things were before Michael. There is only moving forward. But that doesn't mean our future will be any less glorious than our past. I promise you Michael... I will make things better. But I can't do that from Heaven. I must stay here." I wiped tears now falling down his face. "Then I shall go with you... We can make it better TOGETHER!" He desperately tried. But that's not how the story must go. "No Michael... You are needed in Heaven. For right now we must be apart. But I will see you again. My sweet Michael." He hugged me close. "Please don't go..." I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his forehead. This was even harder than my parting with Gabriel. But it has to be this way. To make things better I must go... alone. "Goodbye Michael." and with that I left Michael. 

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