My Bloody Valentine

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"Oh my dad!" I was gonna be sick. Me and Dean were looking at the two victims of our latest case. They were..... fornicating. AND BEGUN TO EAT EACH OTHER TO DEATH! What in hells bells kinda kink is that! We called sam who was at the crime scene and met up back at the motel. Something was really of about this case. I could sense it. After we got diner we got a call from the mortician saying they had another case of deadly romance. What the hell is happening? We got to the morgue and began to investigate further. We were examining the hearts when dean laughed at himself. "What?" I asked. He smirked at me and held up the victims heart, "be my valentine?" He smiled. I laughed at his childishness. "Would you two focus?! I swear it's like working with toddlers." Sam said trying to focus. It was then when Sam noticed something. "Hey guys look at this" he said pointing to the hearts of the two victims. "They have identical marks." I took a closer look. "It's enochian. It's a mark of union. These two were marked to be mated. You know what You humans call Cupid? Well this is the mark of a Cupid. Well... cherub third class if we are being technical." I stated. Dean looked confused. "Wait so a fat kid in a diaper did this?" Dean scoffed. I rolled my eyes. "Call Cas... he'll know which cherub and where to find him." I said completely ignoring his stupid question. Dean took out his cell phone and dialed cas' number. "Hey cas its dean yeah room 31c basement level saint james medical center-" Dean was cut off when cas was infront of him. "I'm there now." Cas said still talking on the phone. "Yeah I get that." Dean said still into the phone. "I'm gonna hang up now." "Right..." I rolled my eyes and jumped in on the conversation. "Hey cassie! looks like we got a rogue Cherub third class. You think you can see which one?" I said looking at cas. "No but I know where we can find one. we have to stop him before he kills again." Cas said deadly serious. "Great... where we gonna find a cupid?" Dean asked.

An hour later we were sitting in some restaurant decorated for valentines day. We had to dress up so the boys were wearing their monkey suits and I was wearing a red dress that was once again far too short. Damn do they make any real cloths in this century? Dean and I sat on one side of the booth with Cas and Sam on the other "So what you just happen to know he likes the cosmos at this place?" Dean asked Cas. "this place is a nexsis of human reproduction. Its exactly the kind of garden a cupid would come to pollinate." Cas said as he intently stared at deans burger. He was practically drooling. What the hell is up with cas? Dean then pushed his burger away. "Wait a minute...YOU'RE not hungry?"  Sam asked. Now I have to be worried about dean too? "No...What I'm not hungry!" Dean said annoyed. "SO your not gonna finish that?" Cas asked desperately grabbing the burger off deans plate. I shot him a questioning look but he was to distracted stuffing his face with burger. Then I looked over I could sense the cupid. "Cas!" I Whispered forcefully. He looked up at me mid-bite and realized what I was talking about. "He's here." Cas said with a full mouth looking at the nearest couple. "Where I don't see anything?" Sam replied. "There!" Cas said. "What same side of the booth couple over there?" Dean asked. Sam shot him a look I didn't quite understand and Dean looked over at me. Then shot daggers at Sam with his eyes. "Meet me in the back." Cas said before he flew after the cupid. 

We got to the back and Cas was holding the Cupid in place. Of course Sam and Dean couldn't see that. "Cas where is he?" Sam asked. "I have him tethered... Zo Da Cama Maran Na. Manifest yourself." Cas said in a low voice. We waited for a few seconds and Dean looked at me. "So where is he." Dean asked. I smile a big smile at him and took one big step away from him. Dean looked very confused for a second. But the Cupid wrapped his arms around dean and lifted him into the air. He was hugging him. It was their handshake. The weird lovie dovie nut bags. But what made their handshake so uncomfortable for everyone  was that they were completely naked. "Here I am!!!" The cupid smiled. He shook Dean around "HELP!" Dean shouted and I smiled. "Oh help is on the way! Yes it is! Yes it is!" The cupid said in a baby voice. He gave him one last squeeze before putting him down. "Hello you!!!" The cupid said strutting over to Cas. He did the same to Cas as he did to dean. "This is cupid?!?!" Dean asked me. "Yup!" I giggled. Cupid let go of Cas and dead eyed Sam. "and LOOK AT YOU!" He smiled. "No!" Sam shook his head. "Yeah!" Cupid sped walked towards him. Sam tried to walk out of the room but Cupid just flew in front of him and caught him. "Is this a fight? Are we in a fight?" Dean asked in panic. "This is their handshake." Cas explained but I was to busy laughing at Sam. "I don't like it!" Dean yelled. "No one likes it" Cas replied. Then Cupid let go of Sam and looked at me. Crap....No.NO.NO. "Well aren't you just the cutest thing!" He said walking towards me. Ah what do I do? But Dean saved the day. "Hey ahah no touching her! She doesn't need a handshake! We got some questions!" Dean exclaimed stepping in front of me. YES! thank dad for dean winchester. "What can I do for Ya!" Cupid smiled. "Why are you doing this?" Cas asked. "Doing what?" Cupid asked still smiling. "Your targets the ones you've marked... their slaughtering each other." Cas explained. "What?...They are?" Cupid's smile dropped. "Listen man...We know. Okay we know you've been flitting around poppin people with your poison arrows makin em murder each other!" Dean said sternly. "What we don't know is why." Cas offered. The cupid looked so sad. "You think that I..... Well uh... I don't know what to say!" The cupid said crying. He walked past us to go cry in a corner. "Should somebody maybe go talk to him?" Sam asked. "Yeah give him hell Cassie." I said patting his shoulder. Dean nodded his head beside me. "Aren't you supposed to be ruler of heaven? YOU go talk to him!" Cas said looking at me. "Hey I'm dead! So your up Mr. raised you from perdition!" I shot back. He sighed in defeat an walked over to the cupid. He looked back at us with a very uncomfortable look before patting the cupids shoulder. "Look we didn't mean to um... hurt your feelings..." Cas said. Once he said that the cupid shot around and brought Cas into a tight hug. I bit the inside of my cheeks to stop from laughing. "Love is more than just a word to me ya know! I love love I Love it and if it's wrong I don't wanna be right!" I wined into Cas' shoulder. "Yes. Yes. Of course... I uh... I have no idea what you're saying." Cas said uncomfortably. The cupid pulled away but kept a tight hold on Cas' arms "I was just on my appointed rounds. Whatever my targets do after that that's nothing to do with me. I was following my orders! Please brother. Read my mind! Read my mind you'll see." Cas was silent for a second before turning to us. "He's telling the truth." Cas said walking back over to stand next to me. "Jiminy christmas Thank you." Cupid sighed in relief. "What you said you were just following orders. Who's orders?" Dean asked. "Why Heaven silly... Heaven." He laughed. "Why does heaven care if Harry meets Sally?" Dean asked. "Oh mostly they don't. But you know certain bloodlines. Certain destinies. Oh like yours! Yeah the union of John and Mary Winchester! VERY big deal upstairs.  Top priority arrangement. Oh it wasn't easy either. Oh they couldn't stand each other at first but when we were done with em! PERFECT COUPLE!" The cupid said enthusiastically. "Perfect couple?" Dean said angrily. "THEY'RE DEAD!" "I'm sorry but the orders were very clear. You and Sam had to be born. You parents were just... meant to be. A match made in heaven! HEAVEN!" The cupid sang in a sing songy voice. Dean cut him off by punching him in the face. Of course it didn't affect the cupid but it hurt Dean's hand a lot. "Sonofabitch" He whispered in pain. The cupid flew away. "Great job asshat you hurt his feelings." I shook my head. "You punched a cupid Dean!" Sam offered. "I PUNCHED A DICK!" Dean responded. as I grabbed his hand and healed it. "Are we gonna talk about what's going on with you or not?" Sam asked annoyed. "OR NOT!" Dean said storming off. 

Later that evening there was another body. He was a fat guy who got thin but went on a twinkie binge. Once his stomach exploded and he could no longer swallow he started shoving them down his throat with a toilet brush. Counting him thats 8 suicides and 19 ODs. Sam got in a fight with a demon and managed to swipe his briefcase. When we clicked it open a bright blue ball of energy erupted from it. "What the hell was that?" Dean asked. "That Dean-o was a Human soul." I answered. "It's starting to make sense!" Cas said with a mouth full a burger. He scared the living crap out of me. "Damn it Cas! DON'T DO THAT" I said putting a hand on my heart trying to calm down.  "How is this starting to make sense?" Dean asked. "And when did you start eating?" I added. "Yes my hunger... It's a clue actually." Cas said taking another bite of burger. "This town isn't suffering from some love gone wrong affect. It's suffering from hunger. Starvation to be exact. Specifically... Famine." Cas said looking at me. "Oh NOT THIS ANOREXIC BITCH!" I said pissed off. OF COURSE IT COULD BE EASY! "I though famine ment starvation.. as in food." Sam said. "Yes absolutely.. but not just food everyone seems to be starving for something sex, attention, drugs, love." Cas said. "Well that explains the puppy lovers that cupid shot up" Dean said. Cas knodded "Right! So cupid made them crave love and famine..." "Made them rabid for it." I finished. "Okay but what about you? Since when do angels secretly hunger for white castle?" Dean asked. "It's my vessel, Jimmy. His appetite for red meat has been touched by famines affect." Cas answered taking another bite. " So famine just runs into town and everyone goes crazy?" Dean asked. "and then will come famine riding on a black steed.  He will ride into the land of plenty. And great will be the horsemens hunger for he is hunger. His hunger will seep out and poison the air." I quoted the old proverb. "Famine is hungry. He must devour souls of his victims. Lucifer has sent his demons to care for famine... to feed him. Make certain he'll be ready." Cas explained. "Ready to march across the land." I hated this guy. I hate all of the horsemen. They are my opposing force. I heal they have pestilence. I create peace they have war. I am creation they have famine. I am life they have death. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction God has Amara as his opposing force. I have the horseman. 


We were in some Cafe with Famine. Sam was back at the motel room. He was starving for Demon blood so we locked him in the bathroom. Cas was on the floor eating red meat and I was standing with Dean. We were talking about Dean. Famine wasn't effecting him at all. That confused me a lot. "Have you wondered why that is? How you can even walk in my presence?" Famine hissed. "I like to think it's because of my strength of character." Dean replied sassily. "I disagree... Yes I see... Thats one deep dark nothing. Can't fill it? Not with food, or drink, or sex! You can lie to everyone you can even lie to yourself but you can't lie to me! I can see inside you. I can see how Broken you are. You can't win and you know it but you just keep fighting. You're not hungry dean...Because inside you're already dead!" Famine spat. "ENOUGH!" I screamed in my goddess voice. My eyes glowed blue. I could easily kill this guy. The horseman were only my equals when they were together. Apart they are vulnerable. Well maybe Death would have a small chance of kicking my ass but that's not the point. "Ah the great Goddess Eden. Still defending those who don't want or deserve your protection I see." He smiled at me. But I saw the fear behind his eyes. "Still a needy little prick I see... You know I can't let you keep hurting people Famine." I said stepping up. every demon in the joint charged at me. I snapped my fingers without even flinching. They all immediately dropped dead. "You know you can't use that little trick to kill me little girl." He smiled confidently. "No I suppose not... Those souls inside of you however..." I smiled as his smile dropped. I held up my hand and used my power to make the souls destroy Famine from the inside out. Famine was dead. Nothing was left but his ring. 

We got back to the motel and Sam had managed to stop himself from drinking some demon blood that Famine had sent to tempt him. I was impressed. Dean however was not okay. Famine was right...He's so broken. And I don't even know how to help. I want to help Dean. I need to help dean. No matter what I'm making a promise. Dean will be happy. I will be sure of it. 

*Sorry for the long wait for an update everyone hope you like it I'll try and update more often I've just been really busy lately. Oh and THANK YOU for reaching 8K and for Voting. BTW I love your comments so if you have ideas you wanna see happen please leave a comment and I may use it! Any way thanks for reading! XOXO*

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