Take a Sick Day and Have Pizza with Death

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Sam wants to say yes to luci and jump into the pit... not happening. Cas called us from the hospital. He is powerless at the moment. Cas is pretty much human. Bobby wired him cash and we had to leave. We knew where Pestilence was so we had to go. We watched the cameras for hours. I was really freakin bored. Then we saw the cameras wouldn't pick up someones face. Pestilence. As we walked to find pestilence Sam and Dean started to get really sick. The could barely stand. They both fell over unconscious. A demon opened the door. "The doctor will see you now." she smiled and stepped aside. It was there I saw pestilence. "Eden... been a while. Oh you boys don't look well. Might be the scarlet fever. or the meningitis. Oh or the syphilis...however you feel right now. It's gonna get so very very much worse." Both Sam and Dean lay on the floor coughing as I stood watching Pestilence. "Disease gets a bad rap don't you think Eden? for being filthy chaotic but really that just describes people who get sick. Disease itself is very pure single minded. They have one purpose divide and conquer" he said stepping on dean's hand as he tried to reach for the demon knife. "That's why in the end it always wins. So you gotta wonder why God pours all his love into something so messy... and weak! It's ridiculous. You know I was wondering how you beat my brothers. After all you are just weak sloppy humans. But now I see... You had a goddess on your shoulder. Eden you're just like your father. You love these humans to a fault. I'll never understand it. All I can do is show you you're wrong... one epidemic at a time." It was then that Cas barged in. He fell to the floor coughing shortly after. I ran over to Cas to help him stand. "Well look at that an occupied vessel yet no powers.  fascinating. not a speck of angel in you." I jumped into action and cut of Pestilence fingers. I then snapped my fingers and killed the demon. I grabbed the ring and turned to Pestilence. "It doesn't matter. It's too late." He said holding his bleeding hand. With that he was gone. But this was too easy it was all too easy. What did he mean by it's too late? I didn't have much time to think about it. I have to take care of Cas and the winchesters.

When we got back to bobby's house he said he had good news for us. Bobby found Death.  How you may ask? Oh he sold his soul to Crowley like a dumbass! Crowley won't give it back until he is safe. 

Pestilence had already put the croatoan virus out there. In the form of vaccines. We need to stop this now... The winchesters, Bobby, and Cas are gonna try and stop the croatoan virus. It's my job to handle death. 

We were in chicago. There were reapers everywhere. I walked into some little pizzeria. I could sense him. Death was here. Everyone in the place was dead already. I looked at the far table and saw him... Death. "Join me Eden... The pizza is delicious." Death said.  I sat down across from him and smiled. "Hello Death." I said calmly. "Took you long enough to find me. I've been wanting to talk to you." He said as he continued to eat. "I'm sorry about your brothers. I'm sure you know I didn't have much option." I said taking a slice of pizza. "Thank you. I have missed our chats... your brother at times is insufferable. good pizza isn't it?" I nodded. "You know I never asked. How old are you?" He smiled at my question. "As old as your father. maybe older. neither of us can remember anymore. Chicken, egg I suppose. In the end I'll reap him too. and you Eden. As sad as that day will be one day I'll reap you too." He said sadly as he took a sip of his soda. "Would you like to know how it happens?" Death asked. I nodded. "You're aunt Amara. Either you kill her. or she will kill you. It's inevitable. One of you will die." Death said watching me. I nodded my head. "so it shall be... What is it you want Death. as much as I enjoy our pleasantries I know you. I know you want something. So on with it." He leaned forward and looked me in the eyes. "I want this leash off my neck. Your brother has me bound to him. With some unseemly little spell. He has me where he wants when he wants. That's why I couldn't go to you. I had to wait for you to catch up. He made me his weapon. Hurricanes, floods, raising the dead. I'm very power as you know and I'm enslaved to a bratty child having a tantrum."  Death said sitting back. "How very foolish of my brother to play with things he doesn't understand.... I will free you death. I do need your ring to do that though. and if you don't mind I rather like chicago. The pizza is great. If I do this for you... Will you allow it to stay." Death nodded handing over his ring. "I suppose it can stay... But I do need a promise. You need to let Sam Winchester jump into that fiery pit. It is the only way to trap your brother. Promise me." I nodded my head. "You have my word. I will not interfere with Sam's plan. I however cannot speak for Dean." He nodded and handed me his ring. He told me how to use the rings as the key. "Thank you old friend." I smiled shaking his hand. He smiled back at me. "I know this will be hard for you... locking your brother up. But you are doing the right thing. goodbye old friend" Death said  walking away. I sure hope he's right. I'm betraying my brother and condemning Sam to be thrown into the pit... Oh how I hope this is the right thing to do. It's all for a greater purpose. Gabriel was right. Dad left and It's my world now. I make the decisions.... I just hope i'm making the right one. 

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