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Requested by liyahboo206


I stir in my sleep, the sound of my doorbell rings loudly through the house. I groan, sinking my face into my pillow hoping whoever it is, goes away. After a few seconds pass there's a knock at the door, followed by the bus of the doorbell again. I groan, reluctantly picking myself up from bed and looking at the clock on my bedside table. It's 3:47 in the morning, what could anyone be knocking at my door for at this hour?

"Jade, there's someone at the door" I turn to look at her in bed only to realize she's not there. I rub my eyes and double check, and when I see empty sheets my eyes shoot open.

What is she doing still not home yet??

Another knock on the door startles me as I make my way to the door, checking through the peephole to see two officers. My eyebrows furrow, confused but unlocking the door and opening it just enough to face them.

"Good Evening, we are sorry to bother you at this inconvenient hour. Are you Y/F/N Y/L/N? " I look between the two, panic nipping at my skin as sweat starts to bead from my forehead.

"Uh yes, that's me- may I ask what this is about? Am I in some sort of trouble?"

They look at me, faces show no sign of emotion as they tilt their head and look up at me.

"No,nothing like that ma'am. You were listed as Jade Thirlwall's emergency contact... We regret to inform you that she was in a fatal accident on the expressway"

"I- w-what?" I open the door more and cross my arms in front of me, rubbing my eyes from slumber.

"She was driving on her way home from work when a drunk driver collided into her vehicle that unfortunately ended in fatality."

Tears brim my eyes as my hand covers my mouth, finding it hard to breath my hand moves down to my chest then up to my hair, grilling a fistful of it, not knowing how to process this.

I start to hyperventilate, warm tears running down my face, a shooting pain stretched through my chest, feeling as if someone took the air out of my lungs and ripped the heart straight out of my back.

"Jade!" I wake up, crying. I turn to look at her side of the bed only to remember she's not here anymore. I let out a sob, burying my face into my hands as my chest heaves up and down trying to collect as much oxygen as possible. I lay myself back down, staring at her side of the bed as my face is drenched in tears that start to soak my pillow.

"You'll be okay, I'm right here. Go back to sleep" I remember her stroking my arms, trying to get me to go back to sleep from a nightmare. If she were here right now she would tell me the same thing but she's not and my heart shatters each time. My arms tremble as I try to find strength in me to lift myself up. It would be best if I try to calm myself down, the only way for me to do that is by cleaning. She would always make fun of me and say I'm just like Monica from friends and I'd laugh and start an argument for fun, ending up with us in the bedroom or going out to eat.

I drag my feet into the kitchen, the part of my house that seems so unfamiliar to me. I haven't eaten anything since the accident, I just couldn't find it in me, which is why I'm shocked when I see there are still dishes in the sink.

My heart twitches as I see a red lipstick stain on the rim of Jade's favorite mug, a coffee ring still on the bottom. I choke out a sob, lifting the mug and admiring it, afraid to somehow mess up the stain. Normally I'd be freaking out that there's a dirty dish, I would always scold jade for getting her dark lipsticks on our mugs but this time I don't want this one to ever go away.

I take in a deep breath and lift my head up, squeezing my eyes closed. I grip the end of the sink, trying to collect myself and push down my feelings as far as they'll go. I fail, crying as if I was letting out a deep breath. I shake my head, moving to the freezer and taking out the bottle of vodka stored for house parties. I'm too distraught to get the shot glasses out so I chug the liquid. It burns from my throat all the way to my stomach, the only thing I've consumed since the crash. I place the now half empty bottle back in the freezer, trudging back out to the bedroom; I need to clean.

The only two things I feel now are the hollowness where my heart should be and the burning in my stomach.

I start grabbing the dirty clothes on the floor that I haven't bothered to clean for days. I put as much as I can into the wash, that won't be my only load. I go to pick up another pile when I see a vintage Zeppelin shirt, Jade's shirt to be exact. She wore it the night we had a fight, she thought it made her a badass somehow, but she was always a strong girl. Intelligent too.

I hold the shirt close to my chest and sob some more when I hear a doorbell. My heart stops, the memory of what happened that night replaying in my head. A knock comes from the front door and voices but I'm crying too loud to hear who it is. I don't even care at this point if it's not Jade.

"Y/n, open up!" I slip my shirt off and slide into the one I held so close to my chest. It still smells like her, it's not nearly as soft as her skin, or the way she made me feel.

Opening the door I'm faced with Perrie who forces a smile.

"Oh darling- " She says, almost getting the wind knocked out of her as I throw myself into her open arms. She rubs up and down my back, trying to sooth my shaking body.

"I'm so sorry. We all miss her very much, I can't imagine how you're feeling" She welcomes herself in, she is trying to be the one to make me feel comfortable in my own home.

"I can't-can't lie-i-live-with-without her-er, Perrie! I-i-i- c-c-can't! I d-d-don't w-want to be he-ere anym-more" I sob into her shoulder as she sits us down on the couch.

"Yes you can I know it's hard but we need you. Jade would want you to keep moving on"

"I don't c-c-care, I want t-t-to be with her!" Perrie squeezes me tighter, kissing my head.

"Y/n, we can't lose you too" Her voice breaks, "we love you too much to lose you, jade needs you to be strong right now. She went to young, live out the rest of your days for her. What if the tables were turned?"

"I-im sorry, I just miss her so mu-uch"

"I know, I know- y/n, is that vodka? Have you been drinking?"

"I- " I get up to look between her and the glass.

"Have you eaten anything? You don't look well"

"No but i- "

"Y/n..." She sighs, looking at me with red puffy eyes. "Let's go get you something to eat.."

I'm not hungry.

"And even if you're not hungry because you need to eat." She looks at me in a motherly way.

Before being able to protest against anything, I close my mouth and nose, agreeing to go with. Too weak to fight and too tired to argue.

"It's going to be okay, I know it doesn't seem like it but it will" She tries to smile at me again but a year rolls down her face as she holds my hand with support to walk out the door.

A/N: But what if I made a story from this chapter where y/n or an oc go out to seek revenge on the drunk driver...?? Thoughts??

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