Little One

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Requested by twilight1310


I sit in the cafe, tapping my warm mug with my index finger, staring at the steam coming from my hot chocolate.

"Lot on your mind?" A thick accent asks. I look up to see Jade, my best friend's older sister, staring down at me with a suit on. Her long, wavy brown hair falls on the sides of her face.

"What are you doing here?" I groan, sinking further in my seat.

"It's nice to see you too y/n" She giggles, pulling the chair out in front of me and taking a seat.

"Really? Cause last time you saw me you said you wanted nothing to do with me" I looked up from my mug, her eyes bore into mine. Her bottom lip is tucked under her teeth, gripping her metal thermos on the table.

"Yeah um... 'm sorry about that" She laughs awkwardly.

I just nod and swallow the lump in my throat. I lift the warm mug up to my lips, taking a sip.

"It's just that you're so young- you have your entire life ahead of you"

"And?" I snap, looking at her. "Was it really that bad that I wanted to spend it with you? " She blinks, always tears, brushing a piece of her hair behind her ear before clearing her throat. She reaches her hand across the table to take mine but I pull it back.

She looks hurt and I'd be lying if I said It wasn't my intention. She hurt me, it was almost like she snapped her fingers and decided I don't want to do this, and left me. But once I did hurt her, even if it wasn't as bad as she hurt me, I regretted it. The tremble in her pouting lips, the tear threatening to topple over, her shaky hands that were hesitant to grab my own.

"I'm sorry- "

"Yeah you keep saying that but that's not going to take away the pain you caused me. What are you really doing here jade?" I take this moment to examine her attire again. She's wearing a suit and her hair is perfectly wavy, makeup light and natural. She had a thermos and suitcase in hand, looks like it's her first day in an office.

"I- "

"You what?" I look at her and she clears her throat, shaking her head.

"I just wanted to say that I missed you and I hope you're doing well. I saw you looked troubled and I wanted to see if there was anything I could do to help so here I am" She motions between us.

"You're about 5 months too late" I glared at her.

She nods, biting her trembling lip.

"I deserve that." She says barely above a whisper.

"But I'll always be here for you, even if we're not together"

"You said you didn't need me. That I was too young to understand. What makes you think that I need you now? I've been fine without you since we split"

"Right" Her voice shakes and she clears her throat again, pushing her chair out. "I know you're tired of hearing this but... Really y/n, I truly am very sorry"

A tear rolls down my cheek as I look up at her from behind my curled eyelashes. She sends me a weak smile before turning on her heels and walking out the cafe.

A part of me hopes she comes back, tries to fight for me but she doesn't. I pull out my phone, hoping to see an incoming call, text or even email but nothing. I know I'm the one who drove her away today but she doesn't have the right to come and try to win me back. Not after telling me all the things she said when we split. She ruined my life. Because of her, I lost not only the person I love with my entire heart but my best friend. When we first started dating she constantly reminded me that age was just a number and we can make it through. I thought that she was the one then she left me for the same reason I was nervous about getting into a relationship with her. All the laughs, the fights, the sex, the pain, it's all gone. We had a hell of a ride and she still never looked back when she left the cafe. Did I really mean that little to her? Or was she just trying to see how far she could string me along? Because when she left through that glass door it felt like my heart was attached to her with a string and when the door shut, the strong broke along with my heart. The last chance for me to be with her, and she left with no regrets.

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