Little One (Pt3)

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"So this is where you chose to live? It's nice and all but.. Don't you get lonely??" Jade asks, slowly walking around the house.

"At times.. But I was thinking about getting a dog soon or something" I shrug and plop down on my fairly new couch.

"Why couldn't you get a job back home? Why did you have to move all the way over here??" Jade follows me to the couch, popping down next to me and pouting. She leans her head in the palm of her hand as she props herself up with her elbow looking at me. Our legs are tucked underneath us as we speak to each other and I shrug again.

"I needed to get away from everything... Branch out and learn how to do things for myself" I look down, playing with a loose string from my shirt.

"You could have done that without moving, what's the real reason you left? And don't lie to me" She pushes my arm lightly.

Because of you, Jade.

"I have to learn to be an adult, I guess" I look up at her, she pursed her lips together and breaks our eye contact, shyly looking away.

"This much of a dramatic change because of one thing I said?" She looks up at me, almost in disbelief.

"I just- I'm tired of the same people- the same routine. I need to find where I belong in this shitty world" I say, almost laughing as I throw my head back on the couch. After moments of silence, I turn my head to look at Jade who stares at me as if she wants to say something.

"What?" I ask, the tension in the room eating away at me.

"Nothing" She shakes her head.

"Tell me"

"Tell you what? "

"Whatever you're not telling me. I know you Jade! Even if you wish you didn't know me, I still know you! You've been wanting to tell me something since the day at the Cafe but you won't spit it out and it's getting pretty damn tiring" I finally let out my frustration.

She sighs, sitting up straight and looking at me. " I just... I wish I could take back all the things I said. I keep thinking about what would have happened if we were still together... Would you still have moved? Would you have broken up with me? Would we be getting a dog together and exploring the world like we always wanted to?"

"Well don't think about it. the what if's kill you." I speak from experience. That's all I've been thinking about since we broke up. What if I fought harder for her. Would I seem childish? Would she despise me even more? What if I was kinder to her at the cafe? Would she be living with me right now? What if I had decided to go to college instead of taking a break from school to travel? Would she have said all the things she is saying now?

"The what if isn't what's killing me y/n, it's the being away from you" She scoots closer to me on the couch. Her arm gently comes down to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear, her fingertips gently moving down my shoulder and to my back, sending shivers down my spine.

"I miss us" She admits, sounding almost broken.

"You miss us? Or having someone that cares about you?"

"I- y/n, where is all this coming from? I thought you wanted to be with me too.. What about that night when we almost- "

"That should have never happened and I'm glad y/bf/n walked in on us who knows what would have happened.. " I sit up from the couch, looking at her through tears that cloud my vision.

"Do you know how many nights I cried for you? Stayed awake just thinking about all the dreams I had for us, being destroyed because of something as silly as our age?! We're still years apart Jade! We're both growing older by the second! Who's to say you're not going to break up with me again if we were to start something?"

"But I won't! I realize now that I made a huge mistake!" She stands up from the couch, tears flowing down her face as she speaks of the things we never let out in the open. She reaches for my arm but I jerk away, wiping away the warm tears staining my cheeks.

"Y/n- "

"No Jade! Get out!" I sob, feeling as if my heart is breaking again.

"Little one- "

"Don't call me that!"

"I-i-i'm sorry! I just- "

"You nothing Jade! You lost that privilege when you broke up with me! Get out! "

"Please.. " She chokes out, going to reach for me again.

"No Jade, grow up and move on like the rest of us! Isn't that what you told me??"

"It was different then y/n.."

"Different how? Because you had me wrapped around your finger? Because I was immature? Well thanks to you I have matured a lot. Heartbreak does a lot to a person."

It's silent now, the only noise coming from her sniffling. I wipe the tears off my face and cross my arms in front of me.

"Go." I say one last time before she leaves without a word.

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