Little One (Pt4)

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Requested by  OddlyHyper and luluulmaoo


It's been a couple of months since I last saw Jade. If I'm being completely honest with myself, I don't like the way things ended. I yet again, let my feelings get in the way of our growing relationship; we really could have had something. This is probably what Jade meant when she said I'm too immature and need to grow up; I always let my emotions steer my actions. I run on pure adrenaline instead of thoroughly thinking things through. That's what I've learned from living alone, I have no situation to act on, no relationship to ruin.

I did make friends though.

I got a job working at the pet store, it's where anyone can find me when I'm feeling down, and since I chased Jade away that's all I've been feeling. Despite having people to talk to, I haven't gone out much, only for groceries and work. My coworkers have started to notice and have collectively made a pact to drag me out tonight against my will.

"It'll be fun! We'll get drunk! Dance! Maybe find someone? " One of my coworkers, Louis, exclaimed, "lighten up"

I look at myself in the mirror, wearing high waisted ripped jeans and a baby pink tube top that barely covers my breasts. I put hardly any makeup on, just enough to cover the bags under my eyes when I hear a knock at the door.

I sigh, walking towards the door to be faced with the boy himself.

"Hey Lou" I give him a smile.

"Love! You look beautiful!" He cries in joy, placing hands on my shoulders as he admires me. "All this time I thought your closet only consisted of your work uniform and sweats"

"Ha ha, very funny" I nudge him to which he laughs, smile so wide that it spreads to his eyes.

Ever since I met him he'd always been such a joyful person, a wise-ass, but always there to get my mind off of things, even when he doesn't mean to.

"You ready to go?" He asks, as we stand in the doorway.

"Yeah" I nod, quickly grabbing my wallet and phone before slipping out the door with him.

It's not a long drive before we get there, I see my two other coworkers standing near the entrance.

"Finally, you guys took forever"

"We were literally like 10 minutes" Louis remarks in a sassy tone.

"And the sass master from Doncaster has arrived ladies and gentlemen" I laugh as we walk in.

"Remember y/n" Louis puts a hand on my shoulder, "tonight is about letting go! We're gonna have a good time, okay? Don't worry about Jesy"

"Who?" I ask in confusion.

"That's the spirit!!" He smiles brightly at me. I shake it off and take a hold of his hand, feeling the bass in my chest as we make it further into the crowd of sweaty bodies. Lou and I dance for about 6 songs before I start getting tired, "is it okay if we take a break?" I breath out a laugh, turning around to look at him. He's already eyeing a cute curly haired boy with green eyes.

"Of course not love, I'm going to go talk to that cute boy in the flower crown though" I give him a smile and wave him off, dragging my tired feet to the bar. I wonder what happened to my two other friends that I was with, they're probably making out in the bathroom or in the backseat of their car by now.

I ask for my usual drink, sipping it lightly, letting the refreshment relax my body. Louis was right, this is what I need. I can already feel myself forgetting about Jade.

I turn around, leaning on the bar, continuing to take small sips when my eyes meet a pair of light brown ones.

She seemed to be laughing at something someone said but when her eyes landed on her mind her face fell, almost as if a switch went off, turning everything off as she deconstructs.

I swallow hard and chug the rest of my drink when I feel a pair of hands on me.

One of my friends from earlier. "Hey! Are you having fun?!" She asks over the music. I don't question where her girlfriend is at but instead grab her hand and pull her out to the dance floor.

I spin her around and wrap her hands around my neck as I place mine in her waist. I pull her close to my body, lips grazing her neck. I nibble at her ear lobe as I whisper "just pretend like you're into me, my ex girlfriend is here".

I pull apart and spin her around again so that she can see who I'm talking about as she reaches behind her head, wrapping her around my neck then slowly dropping to the floor, grinding her body on mine as she does so. Her hands train all the way down my body before lifting herself back up, dragging her ass up my core, grabbing my hands and pinning them to her sides. She turns herself back around to face me, winking at me. "She looks like she's about to punch me in the face" She laughs.

"She is very protective of me" I bite my lip as she presses her hips harder against mine. "You should stop before you get ahead of yourself" I warn my friend, knowing her girlfriend will come looking for her any second now.

"Yeah, don't start something that you can't finish" I hear Jade's voice come up from behind me. I turn around to face her and she aggressively pulls me away from my friend. I mouth an "I'm sorry" To her before she gives me a sympathetic smile, and a wave, disappearing into the crowd.

"What do you think you're doing?" Jade asks aggressively, grinding herself into me, my chest pressed tightly to her back as I hold her hips to mine.

"Having a good time, why? Are you jealous?"

She whips around, dropping low and looking me in the eye. Her hands travel up my body, dragging up from my heat until her hand is around my neck possessively. I let out a warm breath as her lips are now inches from mine, eyes flickering down.

"You know what you do to me" She whispers against my lips that don't meet hers yet. She's teasing me and she knows it. Her fingers tips squeeze softly around my neck but she moves it back down to my hips before people think she's actually abusing me.

Her lips edge closer to mine, one more centimeter and they'll touch but I turn around swaying my hips to the music, flipping my hair over my shoulder so that jade can get a good view of my back. I drop it so low that my thighs start to get sore. She bites her lips and pushes me towards the closest wall, hitting a few people on the way.

Her fingers train from my collar bones down to hook in my jeans, she bends down yet again, blowing warm air into my belly button. I look down at her, releasing a shake breath as she smirks up at me, biting her lip. My fingers find their way into her hair, tugging it lightly, pulling her up so that she's eye level with me.

She stares deeply into my eyes and I feel the pain, the anger, the sadness, all the negative emotions that come with having jade in my life. But I use that to fuel my actions, as always, without any hesitation I pull her to my lips, kissing her with a fire ignited inside of me. She kissed back with the same energy, anger ,sadness, everything that led us here. She pushes me harder against the wall, tongue battling my own. I moan into her mouth when my back hits the wall for a second time, fist pulling tighter at her hair. We pull apart for air, she breathes against my lips as I pant, "I know you don't want us back together but can we please have tonight? Our last night to end things right? Just one more taste of your lips to take us back to the good times. One final goodbye. Please?" Her forehead leans against mine,eyes begging me to say yes.

I swallow the lump in my throat and nod, holding her face in the palm of my hands. A tear runs down her face but a smile sits upon her lips.

"Let's do this right then"


Hi! Look out for part 5 coming soon! The last part of the Little One series! Don't be too mad at me though because I'm starting a short story that is a prequel to the Little One series that explains the start of their relationship better! I also have a Christmas surprise coming for you guys as well! Just to thank you for everything! Comment your names so I can dedicate the chapter to you!! Love you so much!! Xx


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