Photoshoot Giggles

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Requested by xxjustsomebody


"Your next group is coming in, in 5 minutes. Here" my boss walks into the studio to hand me a paper with the information of what they are looking for in their photos. I nod as he smiles at me, walking back to his office. I run over the list again before sliding it in my back pocket and jogging around the studio to get everything ready from props, backdrops and the camera they want me to use. I even bring out a fan just in case they want to use it. As soon as I finish, my boss is in the room again, leading a group of beautiful women into my studio.

"Y/n, this is the infamous girl group, Little Mix. They'll properly introduce themselves, while I go work on some other assignments. Have a fun shoot girls, y/n is one of the best in the photography business!" He leaves with a wave of a hand and I smile politely at all the girls, all of them breathtaking but one of the girls in particular catching my attention. She wears mom jeans and a nude hoodie that says "send nudes" bedazzled to match the sparkly heels she wears. Her hair flows down in soft brunette waves and her eyelashes curl in a way to make my heart flutter every time she blinks. Her pink lips curl up into a smile exposing her perfect set of teeth as she extends an arm to introduce herself first, "I'm Jade! It's lovely to meet you" I go along the line as the rest of the group introduce themselves but I can't help but stare at Jade. The blush on her cheeks tells me she notices me staring as I force my eyes away from her.

"Alright, um.." I clear my through flustered at the pretty woman, "sorry I'm a bit out of it today"

"It's fine, we understand. We women have to work extra hard for less pay." The woman known as Leigh Anne says.

"Yeah" I breathe out a laugh as I grab my camera and adjust the settings of it as I speak. "Ain't that the truth"

"Go ahead and get yourselves comfortable, I'm going to do some group photos first then we will move on to individual sets? I set up some accessories and props on the table over there if you want to take a look at them, feel free to use anything you see in the studio and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask"

They all nod and take part in conversations of their own as I set the camera on its stand to get ready for their pictures. The woman who introduced herself as Jesy giggles causing my eyes to dart up to see Jade blushing tremendously, flirtatiously hitting Jesy's arm. I bite my lip, wanting nothing more than to rip her away from Jade. Wait, why am I even getting jealous? I barely know this girl. I shake the thought away, I really need to get myself a girlfriend. My muscles relax when I hear Jesy whisper rather loudly to make a move at the "sexy" photographer, her words, not mine. I smirk to myself looking back up to meet Jade's brown eyes. She smiles and bows her head shyly.

"Alright, I'm going to start taking some pictures." I grab their attention. I take a few group shots, directing them where to place their arm, hair, and where to move or pose. After that I tell them to just have fun with it to which they gladly oblige to, goofing around and getting rowdy with their photos. I laugh at the obnoxious girls, and how they are much more comfortable and carefree now then their reserved selves when they walked in.

"Now I'll be doing the solo shoots if that's okay, who wants to go first?" My eyes flicker to Jade, and just as she opens her mouth to say something, Perrie raises her hand with a loud "I'll go". My lips press into a line and I'm quick to replace it with a smile. Although I'm disappointed that the girl who fills my stomach with butterflies isn't first to go, I have to remind myself that this is my job. I'm not at a bar flirting with a pretty woman, I'm here to work and if I have to force a smile when things don't go my way, I will. I'm not the best in the business for nothing.

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