spend the night

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I shake my leg under my kitchen table impatiently as I wait for my date to come pick me up. Sure she's not supposed to be here for another half hour but I can't help myself- I want to be ready.

We've been dating for about a month already and I still have the same nerves that I did before she picked me up for our first date- if not- maybe even more nervous. She is just soo.... Perfect. I really don't want to screw things up this time the way that I always seem to do.

I've never been one for serious relationships and most of the guys I've dated had only been for a week or two until I decided to dump them. I had always questioned my sexuality but I never thought about experimenting. With guys it's easy because they're pigs. In fact, most would dump you on the spot if you tell them you're not interested in sex. But with girls it's so much more different- primarily in the fact that I don't want to break their hearts or have my heart be broken by them.

I think it's safe to say I've never been brokenhearted by a relationship before, fictional characters though? now that's another story... I've spent the last week moping around in bed rewatching The Walking Dead, crying over characters death's despite the fact I've seen the show over a hundred times. It's been a rough week to say the least, especially not being able to see Jade due to the fact that she just flew back home two weeks ago from visiting her family. COVID really does suck. It took away more than 2 weeks of time that I could have been spending with Jade if she didn't have to self quarantine.

Back to me being nervous...yeah... Jade and I have been friends for years but dating is something different and definitely on the risky side. If things go south it can threaten our entire friendship all together and I really don't want that. We were best friends when we were little but when I had to move away because of my mom's work we grew apart. Jade means so much more to me than just being my childhood best friend. If I'm being honest, she was the first girl who ever made me question my sexuality in the first place. But 2 months ago we reconnected when she saw my name on Instagram. She quickly reached out to me via our DM's. We texted the entire night and I had the same exact butterflies I felt when we were younger as if I stepped into a time machine. One thing led to another and the topic of boyfriends came up. She shyly pushed the idea of boys aside and hinted towards being interested in girl's which definitely sparked my interest. As soon as I told her I had been questioning my sexuality myself she told me that she has been out as bisexual for years already. That's when it really hit me how long it's been since we talked and just how much we have changed. She found out that I moved back home and have been living here for over a year now. She asked me out on a date and I hesitantly said yes. Of course I wanted to but I didn't like the idea of using Jade like that. Again, I've never had a steady boyfriend and Jade holds too much of a special place in my heart.

This will be our 4th date and by far the one I'm most nervous about since yesterday my friend asked about my "girlfriend" only to realize that I'm not sure whether she has that title yet. Does she assume we are girlfriends? Do I wait for her to ask me to officially be hers? Does she even want to stay together with me? I really hope she does because for the first time I finally found someone I can picture myself actually being with.

My phone dings and I realize I have been sitting here stressing for half an hour which surprises me because I'm usually one to check the time on my phone every 5 minutes just to see that not much time has passed by. I quickly grab my stuff and rush out the door, locking it behind me.

As I jog towards the car I can see Jade's face light up from the driver's seat, smiling wide with her wild curly hair framing her face. My heart skips a beat at the sight of her, growing more and more nervous as I reach the car.

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