drunk in love

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Requested by Wassabiyeay


"OKAY- but remember that one time when-" I start to laugh hysterically, not even able to get the story past my wine stained lips. I fold over in laughter, clenching my stomach and hitting the carpet. Jade's eyes crinkle at the ends, wheezing, not able to contain her drunken giggles either, holding the bottle that we have been passing to each other away from her as she leans into me. She laughs into my shoulder, her warm breath tickling my skin, the room smelling of liquor and her strawberry shampoo that presses against my nose. Her breath smells of wine as her nose presses against my cheek while laughing with her eyes squeezed shut.

"Leigh- you tell it- I can't even- " I start to wheeze again, the only sound filling her living room is from me and Jade's laughter.

"Y/n she's sleeping" Jade cracks up even harder to the point that our laughs are mute from trying to collect enough oxygen to breathe.

"So am I so would you two shUt Up" Jesy groans into the couch cushion she fell asleep on.

Jade starts to lightly smack me, still doubled over in quiet laughter.

"SHUT UP" Perrie turns over in her sleep to throw a pillow at us.

We get the hint and bite down our smiles while running into the kitchen on our tippy toes. Jade with her empty wine glass and entire wine bottle in hand, me with only a pillow and empty wine glass.

"Well they did not pass the vibe check" I say, placing my glass in the sink before walking over to the island and sitting on the cold marble. I place the pillow in my lap, leaning my elbows on it as Jade takes her own empty glass and puts it in the sink.

"Nooo wash them later, come spend some time with me" I extend my arms and open and close my palms signaling for her attention.

She rolls her eyes but giggles. She goes to turn off the kitchen light so now the only light source is from the candles by the windows before she drunkenly shuffles her way over to me with a goofy face as always.

"Don't forget the bottle!" I laugh.

She quickly takes a hold of it, taking the pillow on my lap to playfully hit me on the head with before placing it to the side somewhere behind me. She stands between my legs, arms resting on either side of me, gripping the ends of the marble counter once I take the bottle from her hands and bring it up to my lips. My lips linger to the bottle as I pull it away and I notice the sudden change in Jade's facial expression and how trained her eyes are on my lips.

I silently nudge the bottle in her direction, swirling the few sips it has left around in front of her.  It's my turn to be mesmerized by her plump and slightly chapped lips. Her tongue runs over her bottom lip as she takes the bottle from my hands. Instead of taking a sip the way I thought she was going to do, she brings the bottle up to my lips, using her other hand to pinch my chin as she tilts to bottle up as I swallow the rest of its contents.

She pulls the bottle away abruptly, placing it to the side somewhere, the red liquid dripping down the side of my mouth. Before I have time to clean it up or even process what is happening, Jade's tongue licks it clean, slipping her tongue in my mouth almost immediately, leaning forwards. She pulls my waist towards hers and I instinctively wrap my legs around her waist, her hands running up and down my freshly shaved legs before going back up to grip my hips. I moan into her mouth, tangling my fingers in her hair as her tongue roams my mouth, massaging her tongue with my own. The air around us is warm, and filled with built up sexual tension.

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