Piece X Piece

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Kagura has always been the jolly type of person. No day has passed that she did not made everyone smile.

Miya always search for something that she felt like a missing piece. Sometimes, she does not take good care of herself.

Layla never failed her family. She carried that malefic gun for the sake of continuing her parents' dream.

Lesley cares too much for she had lost her loved oned. She's even willing to kill just to protect the people she holds dear.

Ruby grew stronger, not wanting to look weak. But behind her strong impression lies a broken girl.

Hanabi sought strength to fulfill her obligations. She stand strong by her principles.

Angela isn't human but she seems more humane. She cares about her teammates that she could put her life on the line.

Nana likes adventure. Trying new things thrills her the most which even gives heart attacks to people around her.

Chang'e grew up with her brother and learned magic for protection. Yet she's shy and timid.

Behind the strong facade these girls created around them, in their very inside is a heart that aches whenever their man doubts them and shows no trust in them.

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