Into the Real World 4 (Harith|GirlReader)

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You slowly stand to overlook your entire bed. You couldn't believe your eyes as you stare at the one sleeping on your bed.

You could hear his almost inaudible snore and you can't help but find him cute especially when his ears twitch. You bend forward to take a good look at him.

But he suddenly shifted his position and slept on his side which made your heart skip a beat when you almost fell on top of him.

You catch your breath when he continued sleeping without noticing your presence.


You heard your mom shouted from downstairs. You pursed your lips and tiptoed towards the door. You slowly opened and closed it with caution in order not to wake the Leonin who just appeared in your room.

You rushed to the kitchen and faced your mom.

"What is it?" you asked.

"I'll be leaving for the day. I have to visit your sister in her apartment, she might not be taking care of herself so I need to check on her," she replied while preparing some lunch boxes which is for your sister, Vienn.

"Okay, I should go back in my room to study," you lied and with a speed of lightning, you rushed to the patio and dialed your sister's number.

She has called you just a while ago about the appearance of Alucard in the mall and about the number of days imprinted on her arm. She even sent a picture to convince you that she is not lying.

"What is it?" she asked upon answering your call.

"Sis, Harith appeared in my room just after you called me," you reported to her and you heard a gasp from her.

"Where is he now? Mom might see him," she responded with urgency.

"He is asleep but you should worry about your situation, sis. Mom will be visiting you, she is almost finished in packing the lunch she made," you told her.

You held your phone away from your ear when Vienn suddenly yelled at the other side of the line.

"Alucard, you should hide!" you heard her shouted which made you shake your head for your sister is acting hysterical.

You ended the call and went to see your mom who is now carrying the bag to the car.

You volunteered to open the car door for her and earned a smile and a pat from her.

"Thank you, honey," she said, "Don't make trouble."

You nodded at her before she got inside and drove to the city. You ran back to your room and upon opening the door, you are now in an eye to eye contact with Harith who seems to have just woken up from his slumber.

"I'm hungry," he said and you did hear his stomach growl. You smiled at him but he blushed as he looked away, probably embarrassed.

"Let's eat, I haven't had breakfast either," you said and you lead him down the kitchen.

You prepared the table and served the food that your mom just cooked.

"How did you end up here?" you asked while eating. That question remained unanswered to your sister as well for she said that Alucard has no recollection of what had happened before appearing in the mall.

"I don't know, I just woke up and found myself in this strange house," Harith simply replied.

You put down your fork and spoon to discuss matters with him. He cannot hide in your house forever without being found by your mom so you have to make some plans.

"My sister is in the city and she called me this morning saying that Alucard appeared in the mall yesterday and is now under her care," you said which made him stop eating and look at you.
"Alucard? I must see him right away!" he responded and immediately ran out of the house.

"Wait!" you called him out yet he did not listen.

"What to do? What to do?" you kept asking yourself and an idea dinged in your mind.

You went in your old playroom and ruffled on the box where you kept your toys. Unfortunately, you did not find it. You opened your mini-cabinet and on the side, you saw it.

"Perfect," you told yourself as you grab it and ran out after Harith. Upon reaching the closed gates, he climbed over it with ease.

"Harith!" you yelled as you ran towards him waving the catnip.

You saw him hesitate for a while which means he is indeed attracted to it.

"Come here, kitty, kitty," you teased as you slowly wave the catnip in front of him. His eyes followed it, his nose sniffing the tempting smell.

You took a step back and he followed.

"Good kitty, come here, follow me," you continued teasing him as you enter inside the house which made him jump over the gates with just one, high jump.

"You, devil," he snarled at you but he seemed to be pleased now that the catnip is near to him.

"You don't need to go alone in the city. I can escort you especially that I know where my sister is," you said, still waving the catnip in front of him and he's following it like an obedient cat.

"I can call sister to come here instead since we cannot travel alone," you added which made Harith look at you questionably.

"Why can't we go instead?" he asked.

"It's because I am still sixteen, I cannot drive the car without being caught by the police," you replied with a sigh.

"Car? That means Johnson si here as well!"

He suddenly jumped with excitement but you held him by the shoulders and shook your head.

"In this world, there are a lot of cars but they are not like Johnson who could transform to have arms and legs and could talk," you clarified but the more you talk, the more questions arise from him.

"How did you know how Johnson look?"

He narrowed his sight on you as if you have made a mistake. You let out a sigh and led him in your room.

Inside, there is another small room where you play online games and upon entering, Harith almost dropped his jaw.

"Those pictures, they are all my colleagues," he stated as his eyes wanders around the room filled with Mobile Legends heroes' posters.

"The Venom squad, the Lightborn squad, Saber squad and then Oriental fighters," he added while pointing at each poster of the different squads.

"You even have the pictures of the abyssal demons," he snickered but you remained quiet in front of your computer.

He walked towards you and is in the state of confusion.

"What is that?" he asked as he ran his fingers on the computer.

Your forehead creased for you cannot open the game which would help in explaining the world Harith came from.

Your computer suddenly glitched and turned dark. Your eyes widened, thinking that it has been damaged but while you were checking the connections, Harith spoke.

"Layla?" he questioned so you immediately faced your computer and indeed, Layla is there wearing her Saber uniform.

"The MLBB heroes are lost in the world of humans and only those chosen players are capable of bringing them back in the Land of Dawn! The challenge in this game is not physical fight to avoid inflicting pain to the involved humans. Now, to complete the game, the players must find clues and unravel the mystery that covers the hero. Failing to complete the game within the span of one year would result to the death of the hero and the human. Players, the game starts now!" the marksman announced.

Before any of you could speak a word, your computer glitched once again, Layla vanished and it has returned to normal.

Your eyes met with Harith who is also in a confused state.

"We should really see my sister," you said.

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