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I wait for Tommy at my locker. I spot him awkwardly shuffling around, clearly in some pain. It's almost embarrassing watching him to be honest. He's wearing black sweat pants and another black hoodie. He has a black headband on that's slightly keeping his curls out of his face.

I sigh softly against my locker, feeling my lack of sleep catching up with me slowly. I kinda regret not making any coffee for myself this morning. I tried my best with my clothes though, putting on my black skinny jeans and a grey long sleeve. My hair is down too, so I'm hoping I don't look too tired.

I thought my morning shower would wake me up some more, but ...

"Can I be honest with you?" Tommy said as he approached me.

I shrugged, almost curious about what he has to say, "Sure."

He folded his arms and leaned against the locker beside him, "You honestly look like a guy, but then a girl. You look like both. It doesn't make sense, but trust me when I tell you it's a little unsettling."

I raised my eyebrow, "You mean I'm pretty androgynous?"

He nodded his head slowly, "Uh, and what the fuck is that Joe? You're using big gay words."

I rolled my eyes, "I have masculine and feminine traits jackass."

"Ahh, they have a word for people like you. To think I've been calling you a dyke the entire time makes me laugh. Still fits though."

"Well, I pretty much identify as an androgynous woman. You can stop questioning why I look better than you now," I said as I began to walk away.

He scoffed, "Burn."

Tommy eventually caught up with me. We walked to class, dodging crowds of people. Almost every step he took he whispered an aggravated "ow" and a "fuck this hurts" for some added flavor. As we approached the correct hall of our classroom more students started disappearing behind doors.

"We're coming in hot tango," Tommy said quietly. "Twelve o'clock, straight-ahead baby."

I pulled my mind back into reality and stared straight ahead at a woman in a black blazer and skirt talking to another teacher. I didn't understand what Tommy was talking about until she was done with the seemingly brief conversation and turned forwards again.

A young woman, with gorgeous brunette hair falling past her shoulders. Her soft brown eyes found me for a moment and she walked into the classroom with her black heels.

Tommy sighed, "She's so fucking hot. How do you even concentrate with someone like Ms. Frost walking around."

I didn't know what to say ... I almost hate myself for agreeing with Tommy.

"I guess," I said cooly. "I doubt she's into skinny high schoolers though."

We turned into the bland classroom that already had the projector set up. I was granted a clearer look at Ms. Frost's face in the corner of the room, at her desk, on a Mac laptop, typing steadily.

I pulled my eyes away when I felt Tommy dragging me somewhere to the middle columns of empty seats that would hopefully soon fill up. He went to sit down in the row next to me.

He leaned over and said, "By the way, your body shaming will be irrelevant real soon. I'll be a gorilla by the time I'm done working out with you."

I smirked at his remark. I'm glad he trusts me enough.

As soon as the bell rang a bunch of kids came in, almost pushing each other over scrambling to their seats. Luckily my row filled in front of me. I heard several bags being opened and pencils and pens slapping desks.

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