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Two weeks passed.

The burn out Athena mentioned was really starting to settle in.

I was becoming more tired and agitated every day. Tommy and I pushed ourselves to continue to work out, no matter how mentally drained we were. It was the only thing we could do to take our minds off of school.

He gained a lot of weight since I first started training him. He almost looks like a completely different person. I've realized he's a lot happier now, especially with the extra attention he's been getting from girls.

His newly improved physical hygiene has really done him some good. I'm very proud of him and I hope he continues to improve his self-care. It makes me wonder what he would've looked like if he didn't talk to me at the gym on the first day of school.

Athena and I have become even closer. Granted we did break another boundary. Over the past two weeks, I've been going to her house every night eating dinner and spending time with her. Our lunch periods are spent kissing and hiding from the rest of the school.

We haven't had any sex since the last time I went down on her, but I didn't care too much. Athena's workload grew and so did mine. She's been pretty fatigued these days, falling asleep on me more than usual at her place.

Even with the lack of sexual intimacy, our attraction didn't suffer. In fact, I was a little grateful for that. I haven't made any moves simply because I'm still unsure of myself. And that was something I wasn't ready to be verbal about.

I feared for Athena looking at me differently and deeming me a buzz kill. She's had way more experiences than I have and it didn't necessarily make me feel confident even though we've already gone halfway.

It's hard, looking at yourself in the mirror and being unhappy with what you see. I'm not even sure what I'm unhappy about. And lately, I've been trying to picture what kind of women she's dated.

Were they feminine and soft? Tomboy with a pretty face and body? Or were they like me? Floating in between? Something tells me they were the complete opposite of me.

Not only that, but I couldn't see myself laying on my back and being completely naked and vulnerable. I'm not brave like Athena. I'm not even aware of what I truly like ... or dislike for that matter. Being horny and frustrated became apart of my routine most days and I'm still not sure how to fix it.

These thoughts became my very own plague and it was hard to not let them get the best of me. I don't know if Athena's noticed — she usually does — but she's probably too tired.

As Tommy and I sat in our seats, chatting about absolutely nothing, Athena walked in. We were both sidetracked for a moment. She went with professional attire today. Her grey blazer and slacks resembling more of a business uniform than anything. Her hair is down and one side is pulled behind her ear. The sunlight peeking through the blinds of the classroom catches an earring.

I can't believe I get to kiss that.

More students walked in and filled up the seats. Athena put her stuff down and walked over to the whiteboard where she started writing on it. Tommy and I watched silently, trying to read what she was writing as she was writing it.

It seemed to be a schedule for our class with several dates.

After a minute or so, Athena put the marker down and turned to look at all of us. Her eyes eventually found mine. My heart fluttered in my chest as she glared at me. There was a glint in her eyes.

The same glint I saw before getting in between her legs.

The bell rang, interrupting our moment. Her eyes moved from mine and scanned the room.

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