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The pool couldn't have been a better idea for several reasons. It was also just a little uncomfortable because there were kids and other adults around us. I'm not sure why I thought the pool was going to be empty.

It didn't help that Athena was wearing a bright yellow two-piece bathing suit that didn't leave much to the imagination. My eyes were eating her up from all angles. Her body is just magnetic.

I wore a short pair of navy blue swimming trunks and a spare black sports bra. I didn't like normal bathing suit tops. I always thought they looked weird on me. My hair was tied in a high bun while Athena's left her's loose.

Athena held onto me in the water like I was the last thing she knew. Her arms were draped around my shoulders as we carelessly floated off to several different ends of the pool.

We floated and talked about nothing and everything. We kissed — our first real kiss — in a public place such as this. It was no surprise that there came the many funny glances and weird looks, but it didn't bother me. Normally it would, but with Athena being so unbothered and calm, it calmed me down too. Sedating me to the point where all I wanted to do was make an even bigger show so those nosy people could continue staring.

When I actually got the chance to swim, it was beyond refreshing. Feeling my shoulders and arms twinge with an ache was my favorite feeling. The resistance of the water and the sun extra hot today was just right.

Today — this weekend — was just perfect.

The sun was starting to set and the temperature was beginning to drop a few degrees. Athena dragged me out of the pool along with our stuff and we proceeded to have a wonderful dinner and get ready for the rest of the night.

She seemed super excited that we were finally going to a club together. I knew she was probably going to pull out her best outfit for the night so I had to pull out mine — despite the fact that it is my birthday and I probably should look the part.

After a shower together — that was full of teasing, kissing, and embracing each other — we got ready.

Athena's outfit was just unfair. Her hair was in that messy elegant bun that I loved so much with the perfect amount of her long strands hanging from the sides. She replaced her studs with ones that were shinier and more expensive looking.

Her red dress was what she called a "Split Side Cami dress" was tight to her body, leaving no curve unseen. The straps were very thin — very easy to rip. The black choker she had around her neck made me fantasize about my own hands being around them. She looked like a movie star ready to walk the red carpet.

I pulled out the best shirt I packed. A long sleeve black satin dress shirt that fit my torso beautifully. It was a little snug around my shoulders and arms, but it just added to the effect I was going for. My fresh black jeans fit great along with my dress shoes.

I didn't have any idea what to do with my hair so I let it air-dry into its soft waves. The finishing touch was my favorite least used cologne. My mother had bought this for me the year before we found out she was sick. I've barely used it since — only for very special occasions.

Athena took a good look at me, then smirked.

"Good?" I said. "I can't really pull off a red dress so ..."

She ran her hands up my chest and pulled me in for a chaste kiss, "You look so good. I love the way you fill out this shirt."

I smiled, "Thanks."

"This may as well be your red dress," She chuckled. "Are you ready?"

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