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The official last half of the semester started today. I wasn't sure how I was feeling. A part of me wasn't registering with reality because spiritually I was still stuck in Athena's bed from two days ago.

It was all I could think about and she was the only person I really wanted to see. The same old cycle started back up. I had to be on my guard and worry all over again and it was something that I was already growing extremely tired of.

Of course, I'm proud of myself for making it this far, but the real celebration won't happen until June. Graduation was only five months away and I knew that this was going to be the longest five months of my life.

While I thought about graduation I also thought about Athena — what was going to happen between us? Lately, I've been feeling the need to ask and bring up the topic, but I'm scared.

But I had to bring it up — I had to ask because my feelings were only getting more ... real. Heavier to carry.

I sighed heavily, pulling my car into a parking space and getting out the car with Tommy doing the same.

I walked around the hood to the passenger side, where I stood next to Tommy. I held out my new schedule we got printed this morning, the yellow piece of paper nice and crisp. Tommy was holding his, looking it over. I was shocked to see I only had three curriculum classes.

College Ready Math, Economics, Study hall, and the best class of all, Gym: Weight Lifting.

"Nothing too crazy," Tommy said as he shoved his schedule in my view.

I quickly read his over. We shared the same class with Athena of course and even Gym, which was a good thing. He didn't have a study hall period though.

"Wait, you have English?" I asked.

"I chose to finish my math classes first," He shrugged. "English is easier so I saved it for last."

"Pfft ... seems I didn't have a choice," I said as I checked what room and wing my first class was.

"So ..." He nudged my shoulder. "Ms. Frost."

I sighed and folded the yellow paper into my jean pocket, "Look, I ... didn't tell her everything. I prefer to keep it that way."

He leaned against the passenger door of my car, "So ... you lied?"

"No — I just didn't tell her everything. Leaving out small details isn't that bad."

"Well it isn't good either, but ... she'd probably freak," He sighed.

"Exactly. I'm trying to avoid extra stress."

"And maybe dump you," He added.

I punched his arm, "We're not ... dating."

He rubbed the spot my fist landed, "You're not dating? Are you sure?"

I rolled my eyes, not wanting to speak about this with him, "Does it look like we can date?"

He didn't say anything else. At least not right away, "Well, what are you going to do when you graduate? Aren't you planning to move out of state anyway?"

"Tommy, I don't know, alright? And what about the affair rumor? That's what you should be worried about."

He shook his head, "You should be worried. I'm not sucking my Government teacher's face. I've asked around. Your name and Ms. Frost wasn't mentioned once. I think you both are in the clear."

I folded my arms, "So who was the rumor about?"

He waved his hands, "Meh. I heard a hat full of names. Just sounds like your typical bullshit rumor to get people riled up."

The Class AgreementOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz