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After a black eye and probably a broken jaw later, my hands were sore. The flesh of my knuckles sensitive and pulsing.

If Athena wasn't there to stop it, he would've seen his father tonight before being kicked down to hell where he belonged.

There was a small bruise I could feel forming on my side and it was probably from when I bumped into the counter.

Athena held my hand as I drove. Probably trying to calm my nerves and hers at the same time.

Under no circumstances did I ever think she was going to end up coming to my house because of something like this. I was picturing dinner or something. Not her ex-boyfriend almost choking her to death.

I was still fuming, trying to contain myself for her. I had to remain strong right now. This wasn't about me. She was in more pain than I was right now and she was scared — probably feeling betrayed because of Jason. Probably questioning who she could really trust. Could she even trust anyone if her ex-boyfriend of several years put his hands on her?

Who would even want to harm someone as pure and amazing as Athena? Athena Frost was the second-best woman I've ever met. First being my mother.

Athena was always gentle and had your best interests at heart. She was infinitely patient and giving. She's also a great girlfriend in many ways. What would even possess a person to hurt someone they were desperately trying to get back at one point?

It was all so infuriating. It didn't make any sense.

My father wasn't at the house when I initially left. I didn't know whether to let him know now about Athena staying the night or just waiting until the morning. It'd probably be best to give him a heads up now.

Hopefully, he isn't weird about it.

We arrived at my house. I parked in the driveway, Athena's bag on her lap. She was staring straight ahead at my house for the first time ever.

She cleared her throat, "So this is where I would've dropped you off at that night?"

I could tell she was trying to lighten the mood. I smiled to myself, "Yeah, this is it. 2090 Lanes Boulevard."

"Full circle," She muttered. "I was taking you to my place because you were incapacitated and now—"

"Hey," I gently squeezed her hand. "It's about time I paid you back for that night anyway. Don't worry about it."

She smiled back, her eyes glossy, "You're probably right."

"Now you get to see where I sleep. Consider this a personal and very fair trade."

We got out of the car. Athena waited for me by the passenger side, still eyeing my house.

"You okay?" I said walking around the hood of my car. She held her bag of clothes and such in her hand.

"Yeah, I just ... nothing," She sighed. "Is your Dad going to be okay with this?"

I shook my head, gently taking her bag from her, "Don't worry about him. He'll understand. He'll also probably be extremely happy to have you over for finally."

She hummed softly, reaching for my arm as we began walking to my front door. Suddenly I was extremely self-conscious about the house. My room was okay for the most part, but it's not like I was really able to prepare for this.

I held my breath for a moment, unlocking my front door and letting her walk inside first.

"It ... smells like you," She said looking back at me.

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