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"Mom? Mom, is everything okay?"

She reached out for me, her eyes closed. I grabbed her hand softly, her skin so lifeless. Every time I sat beside her, I felt pain so bone-deep I thought I may have fractured something.

Why couldn't Dad and I save her? Why didn't we find out sooner? Why did she have to get taken away from us?

She opened her eyes and looked at me, then everything changed.

Her skin was suddenly glowing so beautifully. Her hair looked silky and shiny like normal. She cracked a smile, that smile I loved so much growing up.

She would smile and I swear it could power the entire world.

The way her chest moved up and down evenly ... it was a sight I thought I'd never see again. She was without struggle in this large bed that looked made out of the clouds themselves.

"I love you," She said warmly. "So much."

Overbearing happiness washed over me and I smiled back, "I love you too, Mom."

"Things are going to be okay, you know that right? Everything will be okay. You are going to live such a beautiful life."

I shook my head in denial, "How can I live a beautiful life without you? The woman who gave me life in the first place."

"You'll find out in time. I promise."

"You ... you don't visit me anymore."

"Honey, I visit you all the time. You and your father. More than you'll ever know, but do me a favor, Nova? We're running out of time here."

"Anything for you."

"Wake up."


The voice was clear in my ears now. It was my Dad, shouting close to me, "Nova! Nova wake up!"

"Huh ... hm?" I grumbled. The heaviness of his hands felt like weights on my shoulders.

My equilibrium was distorted. I couldn't tell if I was up or laying down — something is hard underneath me, like a chair. My shoulders sagging forward, I could barely hold myself up. My vision is fuzzy and blurry.

I felt insanely weak and a serious sharp pain was stemming from my forearm. Warmth spilled out of it, but I was cold, so, so cold and confused—

"Jesus, Nova! Nova what happened?! Why didn't you call me — someone!"

"Stay with me!"

I tried to speak, but nothing came out. I felt extremely nauseous and exhausted. I didn't have enough energy to move or process what the hell was going on.

"Don't worry, don't worry, you'll be okay sweetheart,"

"We're gonna get you out of this I swear,"

My eyes finally rolled back. Reality was slipping from me. I didn't fight it. I was too tired. Too cold. I missed my mother. More than ever. I wanted to see her again, but instead of a white light, all I saw was darkness.

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