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My body smacked against the concrete. The pain was instant. I was lucky enough to protect my face from hitting the ground, but my left hand and the rest of my arm wasn't so lucky.

I felt Burns release me. His presence fading away for a few moments. My hand felt temporarily paralyzed. I felt the opening of wounds prick my skin. I groaned to myself.

"Get the fuck up! Faggot!" He screamed.

After a few moments of silence and me laying on the ground, Gunnar spoke.

"Nova, are you finished?" He asked.

I slowly got on my knees. I don't have enough arms to hold all the parts of my body that hurt right now. My entire torso and even my hip were hurting after that slam, but I didn't care. I spit some blood out of my mouth, "I'll be damned if you ever think I'm finished."

He nodded, meaning the fight was going to continue and I had only more chance to win.

Burns had his shirt off, exposing his hairy chest and sweat. I got on my feet and attempted to take a breath. I rolled my shoulders and ignored the pain as best as I could.

Burns put his hands up. He was smiling at me. I bet he feels like he's already won with slamming me down, but not yet. I'm bent, not broken. He won't win until I'm knocked out.

He moved in slowly. I put my hands up, but I learned early on that punching isn't gonna work on this guy. He's been eating them, barely phased by anything I land on him. It's like he feeds off of getting hit.

I used the last of my strength and threw a jab into his forearm that was blocking his face. He quickly ducked under me to lock me in his arms again. This is how he got me the first time and if he slams me again, I'll be done for good.

I planted myself on the ground, maximizing my deadweight, using my exhaustion to my advantage. His grip was already secure on me, but I wasn't letting up. I lifted my arm up quickly and immediately slammed my elbow down on to the back of his head, full force. He instantly let go of me, dropping to his knees and grabbing his head. My elbow is definitely going to have a fat ugly bruise on it after that.

I was ready to deliver another blow to finish it, but Gunnar quickly jumped in and stopped me.

"That's it," He said. "That's it. Another hit like that and you'll kill him."

I was breathing heavily, my hand still feeling numb. Relief swelled in my chest when I realized the fight was over and that I won, again. My streak is saved.

That was close. Too close.

I felt heat strangling me. My back was tense and stiff. I didn't want to wake up even though I don't remember falling asleep.

I open my eyes, but fear quickly fills my heart when I realize I'm still here, parked outside the harbor. I searched for my phone to see if my Dad texted me or even called, but nothing. I sighed heavily and threw my phone back down to the passenger seat. My stomach made a weird noise and then the pain of hunger soon followed.

I rubbed my eyes and groaned. How the hell did I fall asleep here out of all places for this long?

The stillness of the night helped me calm down for the most part. It isn't too late right now, only just turning eight. It's quiet and no other cars are parked here with me. I should probably go.

I quickly adjusted myself in my seat and put my seat belt on. I started the car and pulled out of the harbor parking. My mind was fuzzy, recalling pieces of the strange events of today. I found myself driving on autopilot and realizing later on that I was driving to Athena's house.

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