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After the questionable conversation I had with Athena, I went through the rest of the school day stuck inside my head. I guess I just don't want to believe the possibility of her ... being into me? Hope can be a dangerous thing and the last thing I need is to get myself into something dangerous.

Either way, it won't happen and it can't happen. It's not fun having a crush on someone that you can't have. It's even worse when you can't really run to anyone about it for advice ...

She wasn't here today which left me not only disappointed, but I also feel a little cheated out of an explanation. The timing is too perfect for me to believe that this was just a coincidence. I do hope everything is all right though. Yesterday afternoon was so unlike her.

It was unlike me too. Flirting with her and dropping obvious hints. I may have crossed the line with that. I'm not really sure yet.

Tommy slapped my shoulder, "You didn't go to that party with Willow Friday?"

"No," I answered, putting my towel over my head.

"Why not?"

I rubbed my towel in, soaking up some sweat in my hair, "Eh. Just wasn't in the mood. She told you?"

"She mentioned you were supposed to go with her, that's about it."

I folded my towel on my lap, "I'm just trying to graduate. I don't really care for the partying and stuff anymore."

"I guess I get it," He sat down next to me. "Not really, but ... you're trying not to be in the mix, so."

"Whatever happened to your group of friends?" I asked curiously. I see them around, but they're never with Tommy.

"Oh, they didn't really approve of the fact that I don't like doing illegal shit and being a menace to society."

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah. I'm not into the whole let's see how much shit we can get away with before we get caught thing. I could put my parents in danger too with that stuff you know."

I nodded in understanding, "Makes sense. Screw em' then. Trust me, running away from the cops isn't fun. Getting caught is worse."

"You've run from the cops before?"

I smirked, thinking about the most recent runaway, "Too many times to count."

"Shit," He laughed. "You really were going through a bad boy phase."

"I can't believe you just said bad boy phase," I shook my head in second-hand embarrassment.

"I can't believe you have a vagina."

"Me either."

We broke out into a laugh together. We finished our workout for the day and I'm not excited to move tomorrow morning. Neither is Tommy.

After Tommy and I went our separate ways I headed straight home. My father wasn't here, as I expected. I showered and try to relax before doing homework, but I couldn't. Nor could I concentrate on my work.

I was restless and getting antsy. My thoughts were getting louder and louder and time was passing by extremely slow. It was driving me nuts.

I decided to go to the public library. I put on some dark blue jeans and a light sweater and rushed out of the house with my bag and keys.

I used to go to the library a lot during the beginning of high school. Willow and I would also go from time to time. Libraries are comforting. They're a comfortable kind of silence — comfortable space even when people are around.

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