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I left my house, wearing the hoodie Athena gave me and dark pants.

Today was stressful. None of it felt real. I guess you could say I was having a hard time wrapping my head around everything.

After dropping Tommy off home, I mentally checked out for the day.

I was heading to Athena's place, to turn on her car and take it for a short spin. I eventually replied to her text earlier and told her I was going to do it tonight and sometime next week.

When I got there I pulled into a parking space across the street. Her car was parked directly in front of the house. Before leaving my car I looked around as best as I could, making sure no one important was around.

The coast seemed to be clear, so I quickly shut my car off and got out, scurrying across the street to the vacant black Toyota Camry with both pairs of keys in my hand.

I unlocked her car and quickly got inside, only for my chest to hit the steering wheel.

"Fucking, fuck," I slammed the door and threw my hand to the levers to mess with the seat. "God, she sits so close."

I sighed in relief when I was finally settled in the small car. I then laughed to myself, picturing Athena driving so close to the wheel. I put the keys in the ignition and turned. I didn't want to touch her mirrors, but I couldn't see a damn thing.

I pulled out into the road and began driving around the neighborhood in silence. I passed by some old places I used to hang out with old friends.

My mind began drifting off. I was already beginning to blame myself for all that went down today. I practically put Athena's livelihood in danger without even really trying.

I was afraid of Tommy running to tell someone or have the truth accidentally slip out. I know he wouldn't do anything to fuck me over. It was Tommy. Tommy isn't some vengeful idiot who likes to see people hurt. But he's as equally indirectly reckless as he is helpful.

Now that Tommy knows, eventually, he's going to ask me questions. He surprisingly hasn't yet, but he will soon. I can't get mad at him for being curious.

I was puzzled. Puzzled about Jason and what he said about stopping by to see Athena again. The last time he did he showed up unexpectedly during her lunch break and she threatened him. Why would he need to see her now? And what does he mean his dad was relocated?

I wanted to know about Jason and his motives. I know at the end of the day it probably isn't my business considering Athena and I aren't in a relationship. After all, she's the one who actually has to deal with him. I wouldn't have met him if I didn't run to her house that night after telling Gunnar about Gallagher's plans.

And it would've been so much easier if that didn't happen.

I was trying not to be mad at the fact that he was now going to be around the area again with a good excuse. I don't have a good feeling about him. He's already shown how immature he really is. The last thing Athena needs is to worry about him being a pest.

I decided I was going to tell Athena about my encounter with him when she gets back. There's no point in ruining her time at her mother's house.

I wrapped back around to Athena's place. I didn't want to burn her gas too much. Her parking space was still vacant, thankfully.

I parked her car, almost sad that I had to go back home. I was sort of dying for this break to be over so she could come back.

I got out of the car, locking it.

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