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Athena texted me a few times, letting me know her flight landed safely. Then another text letting me know she made it to her mother's place. From there, nothing. Of course, I was dying to talk to her, but she's busy and I have to respect that. As much as I'd like to be selfish with her attention, I can't.

It's only been about four days since she left. I can't show her that I miss her that much. It may do more bad than good.

For the past few months, I've been desperately craving advice. Craving an outlet to someone that isn't Athena.

A huge part of me didn't want to lie anymore or pretend that there wasn't anything interesting going on between me and someone else. Especially lying to my Dad, even though he already has a great hunch that I'm seeing someone.

I wanted to tell someone everything and I wanted to express how good it felt, but also how terrified I am.

I don't know her true intentions. To be fair she doesn't know mine either but I think I know what I want, for the most part. I guess the question is what does she want? And if it doesn't match my wants ... what do we do from there?

What am I going to do about graduating and leaving for college with Athena possibly being an item?

How did I let something so important slide by? I guess I can't really blame myself too much. There's been a lot going on. A lot has happened. Things I've never thought I'd account for. These were all things I had to consider even if we aren't a real couple.

The uncertainty of it all is unsettling. It's like I'm walking on a tight rope in complete fog.

When was it going to be the right time to bring any of this up? I know Athena is probably thinking about it too. She has a habit of not saying things first though. Not saying things because she doesn't want to overwhelm me or make me upset.

Traversing me like a minefield that woman. Both smart and extremely annoying.

If I bring all of this up, I already know it would be the real end of us this time. Athena will feel guilty and be reminded of the harsh consequences at stake. And I didn't want whatever this was to end.

Aside from the labyrinth I called my head and thoughts, I still needed to stop by Athena's house to start up her car and drive it around.

Tommy sighed softly, wringing his towel out, "Hey, can you take me to the nearest supermarket? I have to pick up some stuff for my parents."

We're at this new gym that opened up a few minutes away from the school. Since we're not supposed to be on campus, we can't use the school gym. At home workouts get pretty boring too so we signed up for new machinery. Free trials work.

We also need an excuse to get out of our houses now.

I began wiping down areas of my body with my towel, "Um, sure. Got a list or something?"

"More like a text. You know, you're welcome to have dinner with us," He offered. "I mean, my parents wanna meet the person who's responsible for my body."

I shook my head, "You're responsible for your body."

"Actually, you held me captive like a sex slave and forced me to do this."

I rolled my eyes, "You wish."

He began packing his black gym bag with a crooked smile, "Who wouldn't wanna be held captive by a mysterious looking she-hulk. Makes for some great fan fiction."

"I actually hate you," I responded while getting my things together. "If anything I'm babysitting you. Not keeping you captive. It's definitely the other way around if you wanna talk about being held against your will."

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