How they asked you out

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Bellamy ask you out after teaching you how to knife throw. 

"Ugh!" You yelled in frustration as your knife fell into the grass after hitting the tree. You heard Bellamy snicker behind you as you shot a glare at him. "Try again." You retrieved your knife and did it again. This time flying behind you and pass Bellamy. You turned and cover your mouth with your hands. "I'm so sorry, are you okay?!" He looks behind him and picks up your knife. "Look, I get your frustrated but you can't try to kill me Y/n." You sigh and look down. "Here." He passes you your knife and stands behind you. "Move your legs like this." He places his hands on your upper thighs and moves you slightly. His chest pressed tightly to your back. You gulp and try to keep yourself from getting flustered. He puts his hand on your bare stomach, since your shirt doesn't touch your jeans. His palm lays flat on it. His other hand wraps around your and your knife. "Follow through." You both do the same motion and the knife hits the tree, sticking deep into the bark. "No way!" You jump not realizing Bellamy is still holing your stomach. You turn quickly and your faces are inches apart. You bite your lip at his eye flicker down to them. "Y/n, would you be my girlfriend?" Feeling shocked you just nod as he crashes his lips into yours. 


Murphy asked you out well you were fighting. 

You sigh as Bellamy tells you, you don't have a choice and that you are practicing with Murphy. Honestly you didn't hate it as much as you were letting on too. You secretly like Murphy but you never had the guts to tell him. Because to be honest, Murphy could be cold. Very cold. "Come Princess, we don't have all day." Murphy stares you down coldly. Making your point. "Don't call me that." He smirks and you guys walk into the woods. After setting your stuff down you began. Murphy ends up pinning you after two minutes. You stand up and start again. You almost have him until he gets the better of you. You swear under your breath. He pins your hands above your head. "What's the matter princess." In a swift movement you manage to get Murphy pinned to the ground on his back. "Don't call me that." You snap at him. He looks shocked but then looks you up and down. Without any warning you push your lips onto his. He hesitates but kisses back. When you pull away he does his classic smirks. "So, will you be mine?" You smile. "Maybe."


Jasper asked you out, out of the blue well you were working on the wall for the camp

"Okay put that one there." You point to the spot as Jasper and Finn put the log down. "Perfect. Thanks for helping. God knows Murphy wouldn't" You say this loud enough for him to hear. He looks over at you and shrugs. You smile shaking your head. You and Murphy are actually really good friends so you can boss him around and make jokes.  You sit down for a second and Jasper joins you. "Hey Y/n, could we talk?" You nod and take a sip of water. He takes a deep breath and the whole thing comes out in one rushed senescent. "Wouldyoumaybewannabemyuhgirlfriend?" You laugh as he has a hopeful look on his face. "I would love to Goggles." You kiss his cheek and get back to work


Monty didn't ask you out, Jasper did it for him since he was too scared and shy.

"Come on just do it." Jasper punched Monty in the arm lightly. "Do what? What is Jasper taking you into now Mont?" You sit down with your food by the camp fire. "Uh um n-nothing Y/n." Monty's face goes red. "Okay?" You bite into your food. It's never been that good but its still food. "Hey Y/n?" You look up at Jasper. "Yes?" He smiles. "Monty wants to know if you'd go out with him?" Monty chokes on his food and stares at me, with horror in his eyes. You smile. "Yes." Monty starts to grin then glares at Jasper. "I'm a match maker. What can I say?" 

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