The girl~ John Murphy

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  The only thing that was worse then going to the city of light is the fact that my ex John Murphy had to come too. The desert was hot, overly hot. Yes I know its a desert but still. We where walking for hours and I had walked a head of Murphy for 95% of it. I didn't wanna be his ex. But he ended things so I didn't have a choice. Do I still love him? Of course. Did he. No clue. After he dumped me he became unreadable. I used to tell him that I could always tell what he was thinking but now he was a closed book. 

     "Y/n!" I turned and saw Murphy running up to catch me. "What Murphy." I said in a bitter tone. He only let me call him John and after we broke up it didn't seem right, so I went back to calling him Murphy. I stared at him as he flinch at the new name. He always said he loved hearing his name come from me, which was hard for him to say because he didn't like his name for so long. "Can we talk?" I laugh bitterly which causes him to flinch again; I hold mine back. "No. We can't." I kept walking as he fell back a few steps. After awhile we came across a girl. 

    "Hey! Leave her alone." Murphy pushed past me giving me a small shove. I growl lowly but he doesn't notice it. He gives the girl water and before I know it she's walking with us too. I stay in front of them and refuse to look behind me. Jaha notices and comes to my side. "Don't trust her do you?" I shrug. Jaha was always nice to me. My parents were both abusive and when I told him I wanted out he offered to send me with the 100. I didn't care that I had a chance of dying. I wanted away from them. "Or you don't trust her around John." I sigh and look up at him. "You still love him don't you?" I nod slowly feeling a tear fall down my cheek. "Let's stop for a bit." Everyone agrees and I can't hold in my tears. I turn to Jaha and point to a rock that was away from us. He nods and I start off towards it. "Y/n, where are you going?" I hear Murphy but don't look back until I hear a panic. 

     "Hold it right there or the pretty boy dies." This catches my attention I spin around to see her holding a knife to John's throat. "You bitch!" I charge towards her but he holds the knife tighter and John coughs. "Don't move another inch." She demands for us to give her the water, food, and supplies we have. They all start to give her the stuff and I look at John as she distracted. Don't. Move. I mouth to him and he looks confused. I slowly grab my knife and aim for her head. John knows what I'm doing and I can tell he has mixed feelings. I let out a breath and whip my knife. It spins handle over blade until it reaches her. The blade lands directly in her forehead. She falls to the ground with a lifeless thump. I drop to the ground and breath hard. I look up and rush towards John. I grab either side of his face. "John, are you okay?" He looks shocked. "Hey its okay." He starts to smile. "You called me John." I feel my face go red. "I was scared okay, it slipped out." He shakes his head, and cups my face with his hands. "You are to never call me Murphy again." Before I can reacted his lips are on mine moving in sync. I melt into the kiss and cherish  it. 

He broke away and looked into my eyes. "Thank you for not aiming at me. I was an idiot for letting you go baby." 

I grin. "Your welcome, and you were John." 

He puts his hand in mine and we slowly walk away from the girls lifeless body. 

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