All fun and games ~ Jasper

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You bite your tongue hard as Bellamy gives you a look. You could still hear Jasper's joke in you ears as you try hard not to break under Bellamy's gaze. "Y/n, you've got a problem?" You shake your head but can't control it. "N-no." You began to laugh harder then you ever have. Bellamy glares deep into your eyes before placing you and Jasper on wall duty. 

"This is great Jasp. Just amazing." You say drily, placing another log into the dirt. "Come on Y/n. Lighten up." He moves closer and pokes your side earning a high pitch scream. "Stop that!" You swat his hand away before Bellamy can see you joking around. "Calm down Y/n." You roll your eyes as you start to dig another hole.

The next thing you know, you're on the ground being tickled to death. You scream wanting the tickling feeling to go away. "Jasp- J- Jasper!!" You laugh out loud causing the rest of the group to glare your way. "Jasper! Y/n!" The laughing and tickling stops when you hear Bellamy's booming voice. "Come here now." He says firmly. You stare his way blankly before Jasper pulls you will him. "What is with you two?!" Bellamy yells. "We have roles and duties that must be filled and met. Why do you twi insist on acting like seven year olds?" Jasper makes up some excuases trying to get Bellamy off your back  but sadly he looks at you. 

"Why do you act up all the time? Why can't you just do one thing normally? Why is it always fun and games?" You shrug your shoulders and Bellamy sighs. "Go back to the wall. And if there is anymore of that crap, you are both spending a night outside the wall until you can learn to take something seriously." Jasper smiles and so do you. "Maybe a night fighting off grounders will help straighten you two out." Bellamy tells you both to leave and return to your posts. You walk out of the tent and slowly walk back to the wall, neither of you saying a world.

The rest of the day goes by with no jokes and no horsing around. You and Jasper sit together at the fire with food on your plates. There is a shadow casted on the two of you which turns out to be Bellamy. "I didn't think it was possibly for you two to act like normal people but I guess I was wrong," He says. "I hate to admit that but, its true. Good work today." Bellamy's nose says up in the air well he can physically feel a peice of his pride slip away, since he was "never wrong, ever." Jasper stands up and grins. "Thanks chief." He claps the back of Bellamy's shoulder who looks at him annoyed. "Forget I said anything." Bellamy grunts. He turns away and leave the two who start to laugh hysarically. Bellamy looks back with a sharp turn, but suddenly he is kicked in the shin by someone. "What the hell was that?!" He shouts. The kid points to the shoulder Jasper hit and runs off. Bellamy reaches behind him and pulls a note off his back. "Kick me!" Is written on it in horrible handwriting. "You little-" Bellamy drops the note and dashes towards the two sitting by the fair. "RUN!" Jasper screams pulling you with him as you race away from the furious Bellamy laughing like hyenas. 

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